•Relieves asthma

When a person has asthma, then what happens is shortness of breath and also anxiety is high. By consuming African walnuts when asthma attacks, the symptoms can be handled properly. In addition, the patient will get a more calm feeling than before.

Prevent rheumatism

Walnuts contain good natural nutrients to prevent rheumatism. Rheumatism will cause pain in joints and bones. But if you consume these nuts regularly, the pain will gradually disappear.

•Make the heart healthy

The heart is a vital organ of the human body. If the heart is problematic, then all the organs that are in the body will also come into trouble. Therefore, maintaining heart health is the most important thing. One of them is to consume African walnut. Because the nut is low in fat, so it is safe for the heart.

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•Controlling cholesterol

High cholesterol in the blood will lead to blockage of blood vessels. The effect will be heart disease. For some people, eating walnuts can actually increase cholesterol. In fact, if consumed with the right portion it can actually lower cholesterol levels in the blood.


The last benefit of African walnut is as an anti-cancer. One of the cancers that can be overcome by these nuts is breast cancer. Breast for women is very important. Therefore, keeping breast health becomes the number one thing that needs to be maintained.

– Culled from https://drhealthbenefits.com