Quitting is usually the easier option, but it’s rarely the best one. When things get hard, you need to build the fortitude to power through. Mokhtar Jabli thinks that you shouldn’t quit when you can, and quitting for even a day can get in the way of achieving your dreams.

Mokhtar Jabli is a real estate investor and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of The Nightfall Group, a premier luxury rental and travel concierge service based in California. Nevertheless, it took him a long time to build up this success. When he moved to California in 2016, he had a very tough time making ends meet. “The only real asset I had was the apartment toward which I was paying all of my money in rent,” says Jabli. To leverage it, he started renting out the apartment to tourists. While other people were using his apartment, he slept on the streets. “It was indeed a dire situation,” Jabli states. “I knew I needed to work hard to improve my life.” When things were hard, he wanted to quit every day. It would have just been so much easier to give up and move away or start a job he hated. However, he knew he had to keep working toward his dreams and try something new to change his circumstances. Over time, he was able to build a portfolio of real estate and short-term rental properties to support himself. “I worked hard every day to make that a reality,” MJ Jabli said. “I couldn’t quit. I couldn’t take a day off. I had to hustle.”

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Jabli believes that a quitter for a day is a quitter for life. While it’s normal to have some days where you’re off your game, he sees a larger pattern than that. It can be okay to quit things that aren’t bringing you joy or the benefits you’re looking for, especially when you’ve tried your hardest with them already. However, he sees a pattern of people willing to quit each day, which means that their work never gets done. “Don’t quit on a normal day when you’re trying to accomplish your dreams,” Jabli says. “You need to be putting in as much of your time and energy as you can. If you don’t, you’re quitting before things got underway.” Until you find something you love more than your current dream, you should put everything you can into accomplishing it. If you quit on a regular basis, you’ll eventually have a lifetime of quitting things. “You want to have a portfolio of things you’ve accomplished, not just things that you’ve started and never finished,” adds Jabli. “That comes with grit and the drive to do your best.”

If you’re passionate about something, Mokhtar Jabli advises that you shouldn’t give up or quit. Instead, work as hard as you can every single day to make it a reality. If you don’t push hard with as much time you have, you’ll never know what you could have accomplished if you hadn’t quit.