From Babatunde Jose II

Babatunde Jose ll has a thought worth sharing today. Please enjoy and appreciate the awesomeness of God.

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The existence of matter, motion and life, testify that there is God, but the magnitude and magnificence of creation announce the same grand truth: the work as they say, reveals the Workman.
He said: “Our Lord is He Who gave to each (created) thing its form and nature, and further, gave (it) guidance. (Quran 20:50)
And it is He Who spreads out the earth, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and (flowing) rivers: And fruit of every kind He made in pairs, two and two: He draweth the Night as a veil Over the Day. Behold, verily in these things there are Signs for those who consider! (Quran 13:3)
We owe a lot to scientific investigations and documentaries of their enquiries to be able to appreciate the many wonders of creation; all of which tend to add to our appreciation of the wonders of God and the incomprehensibilities of his awesome powers. Various creatures exhibit characteristics and features which stupefies any observer of nature. From the wonders of the gnat to how the mighty whale breathes in the mighty ocean, or the marvels of the spider’s web and the lizard that walks on water.
Walking on water is regarded by many as the exclusive preserve of Jesus; but we are wrong. There are a few animals that Allah has endowed with the ability to walk on water. One such rarity is the basilisk lizard, which lives in Central America . Thanks to super speed and specially-designed feet, the basilisk lizard can run on water… an ability that makes it deadly to insects, and has led people to call it the “Jesus Christ Lizard.” This unique design of basilisk is one of the evident signs of conscious Creation.
Bees produce more honey, than they actually need and store it in honeycombs. The hexagonal structure of the honeycomb is well-known to everyone. Have you ever wondered why bees construct hexagonal honeycombs rather than octagonal, or pentagonal?
Mathematicians looking for answer to this question reached an interesting conclusion: “A hexagon is the most appropriate geometric form for the maximum use of a given area.” A hexagonal cell requires the minimum amount of wax for construction while it stores the maximum amount of honey. So the bee uses the most appropriate form possible.
In the face of this extraordinary performance, we, for sure, have to admit the existence of a superior will that ordains these creatures. Evolutionists want to explain away this achievement with the concept of “instinct” and try to present it as a simple attribute of the bee. However, if there is an instinct at work, if this rules over all bees and provides that all bees work in harmony though uninformed of one another, then it means that there is an exalted Wisdom that rules over all these tiny creatures.
To put it more explicitly, Allah, the creator of these tiny creatures, “inspires” them with what they have to do. This fact was declared in the Qur’an fourteen centuries ago:
And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in the hills, on trees, and in (men’s) habitations; Then to eat all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: There issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for men: Verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought. (Quran 16:68-69)
The termite is in a different league entirely, among the wonders of creation. No one can help being taken by surprise upon seeing a termite mound erected on the ground by termites. This is because the termite nests are architectural wonders that rise up as high as 5-6 meters. Within this nest are sophisticated systems to meet all the needs of termites that can never appear in sunlight because of their body structure. In the nest, there are ventilation systems, canals, larva rooms, corridors, special fungus production yards, safety exits, rooms for hot and cold weather; in brief, everything. What is more astonishing is that the termites which construct these wondrous nests are blind!
Despite this fact, we see, when we compare the size of a termite and its nest, that termites successfully overcome an architectural project by far 300 times bigger than themselves. Termites have yet another amazing characteristic: if we divide a termite nest into two in the first stages of its construction, and then reunite it after a certain while, we will see that all passage-ways, canals and roads intersect with each other. Termites carry on with their task as if they were never separated from each other and ordained from a single place: Allahu Akbar!!!
Whales are another intriguing specie of Allah’s creation. Mammals regularly need to breathe and for this reason water is not a very convenient environment for them. In a whale, which is a sea mammal, however, this problem is handled with a breathing system far more efficient than that of many land-dwelling animals.
Whales breathe out one at a time discharging 90% of the air they use. Thus, they need to breathe only at very long intervals. At the same time, they have a highly concentrated substance called “myoglobin” that helps them store oxygen in their muscles.With the help of these systems, gin-back whale, for instance, can dive as deep as 500 meters and swim for 40 minutes without breathing at all. The nostrils of the whale, on the other hand, are placed on its back unlike land-dwelling mammals so that it can easily breathe. God is Wonderful!
Hunting birds, such as the Eagle, have keen eyes that enable them to make perfect distance adjustments while they attack their prey. In addition, their large eyes contain more vision cells, which means better sight. There are more than one million vision cells in the eye of a hunting bird. Eagles that fly at thousands of meters high have such sharp eyes that they can scan the earth perfectly at that distance. Just as war planes detect their targets from thousands of meters away, so do eagles spot their prey, perceiving the slightest colour shift or the slightest movement on the earth. The eagle’s eye has an angle of vision of three hundred degrees and it can magnify a given image around six to eight times. Eagles can scan an area of 30,000 hectares while flying 4,500 meters above it. They can easily distinguish a rabbit hidden among grasses from an altitude of 1,500 meters. It is evident that this extraordinary eye structure of the eagle is specially designed for this creature, by its creator.
Speaking of hunting; the spider named Dinopis has a great skill for hunting. Rather than weaving a static web and waiting for its prey, it weaves a small yet highly unusual web that it throws on its prey. Afterwards, it tightly wraps up its prey with this web. The entrapped insect can do nothing to extricate itself. The web is so perfectly constructed that the insect gets even more entangled as it gets more alarmed. In order to store its food, the spider wraps the prey with extra strands, almost as if it were packaging it. How does this spider make a web so excellent in its mechanical design and chemical structure? It is impossible for the spider to have acquired such a skill by coincidence as is claimed by evolutionists. The spider is devoid of faculties such as learning and memorizing and does not have even a brain to perform these things. Obviously, this skill is bestowed on the spider by its creator, Allah, Who is Exalted in Power.
Very important miracles are hidden in the thread of the spiders. This thread, with a diameter of less than one thousandth of a millimeter, is 5 times stronger than a steel wire having the same thickness. This thread has yet another characteristic of being extremely light. A length of this thread long enough to encircle the world would weigh only 320 grams! Steel, a substance specially produced in industrial works, is one of the strongest materials manufactured by mankind. However, the spider can produce in its body a far firmer thread than steel. While man produces steel, he makes use of his centuries-old knowledge and technology; which knowledge or technology, then, does the spider use while producing its thread? As we see, all technological and technical means at the disposal mankind lag behind those of a spider.
Electric fish: Certain species of some fish types such as eel and thornback ray utilize the electricity produced in their bodies either to protect themselves from their enemies or to paralyze their prey. In every living being – including man – is a little amount of electricity. Man, however, cannot direct this electricity or take it under control to use it for his own benefit. The above-mentioned creatures, on the other hand, have an electrical current as high as 500-600 volts in their bodies and they are able use this against their enemies. Furthermore, they are not adversely affected by this electricity. The energy they consume to defend themselves is recovered after a certain time like the charging of a battery and electrical power is once again ready for use. Fish do not use the high-voltage electricity in their small bodies only for defense purposes. Besides providing the means for finding their way in deep dark waters, electricity also helps them sense objects without seeing them. Fish can send signals by using the electricity in their bodies. These electric signals reflect back after hitting solid objects and these reflections give the fish information about the object. This way, fish can determine the distance and size of the object.
Hibernating animals can go on living although their body temperature falls to the same degree as the cold temperature outside. This feat in itself is a miracle! How do they manage this? Mammals are warm-blooded. This means that under normal conditions, their body temperature always remains constant because the natural thermostat in their body keeps on regulating this temperature. However, during hibernation, the normal body heat of small mammals, like the squirrel with a normal body heat of 40 degrees, drops down to a little bit above the freezing point as if adjusted by some kind of a key. The body metabolism slows down to a great extent. The animal starts breathing very slowly and its normal heartbeat, which is 300 times a minute, falls to 7-10 beats a minute. Its normal body reflexes stop and the electrical activities in its brain slow down almost to undetectability. One of the dangers of motionlessness is the freezing of tissues in very cold weather and their being destroyed by ice crystals. Hibernating animals however are protected against this danger; thanks to the special features they are endowed with. The body fluids of hibernating animals are retained by chemical materials having high molecular masses. Thus, their freezing point is decreased and they are protected from harm.
For example: A frozen frog embodies an unusual biological structure. It shows no signs of life. Its heartbeat, breathing and blood circulation have come completely to a halt. When the ice melts, however, the same frog returns to life as if it is has woken up from sleep. Normally, a living being in the state of freezing confronts many fatal risks. The frog, however, does not face any of them. It has the main feature of producing plenty of glucose while it is in that state. Just like a diabetic, the blood sugar level of the frog reaches very high levels. It can sometimes go as high as 550 milimol/liter. (This figure is normally between 1-5 mmol/litre for frogs and 4-5 mmol/litre for human body). This extreme glucose concentration may cause serious problems in normal times. In a frozen frog, however, this extreme glucose keeps water from leaving cells and prevents shrinkage. The cell membrane of the frog is highly permeable to glucose so that glucose finds easy access to cells. The high level of glucose in the body reduces the freezing temperature causing only a very small amount of the animal’s inner body liquid to turn to ice in the cold. Research has showed that glucose can feed frozen cells as well. During this period, besides being the natural fuel of the body, glucose also stops many metabolic reactions like urea synthesis and thus prevents different food sources of the cell from being exhausted.
How does such a high amount of glucose in the frog’s body come about all of a sudden? The answer is quite interesting: This living being is equipped with a very special system in charge of this task. As soon as ice appears on the skin, a message travels to the liver making the liver convert some of its stored glycogen into glucose. The nature of this message travelling to the liver is still unknown. Five minutes after the message is received, the sugar level in the blood steadily starts to increase. Unquestionably the animal’s being equipped with a system that entirely changes its metabolism to meet all of its needs just when it is required can only be possible through the flawless plan of the All-Mighty Creator.
No coincidence can generate such a perfect and complex system.
“He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle and herb for the service of men: the earth is full of Thy riches. These all wait upon Thee, that Thou mayest give them meat in season. Thou openest Thy hand, they are filled with good” (Psalm 104:14).
The powers of God are very awesome and only a fool will say that there is no God.