“Allergies manifest as various common ailments and disorders – from headaches to autism – and can occur at just about any time, in just about anybody”

An allergy is an acquired special sensitivity to a substance that is harmless to most people. The victim tends to have repeated contact with the irritating substance which affects the skin or other body parts. The substance that produces the allergic reaction is known as an allergen, a protein which the body judges to be foreign and dangerous. The adverse reaction that follows is called an allergic response.

Do you have an allergy?

Allergies can affect the whole body and common symptoms or allergic response includes: Eyes- itching, redness/ blood-shot, watering/tears, dark circles under and swelling; Ears- itching, deafness and glue ear; Sinuses- blockage, infection and pain; Nose – sneezing, running, blockage/stuffy, itching, nosebleeds; Mouth- swollen tongue, inflammation or ulcers; Lungs – breathlessness, congestion, wheeze, cough, feeling of tightness; Stomach and bowel – nausea, vomiting, bloating pain, itching bottom, aches, intestinal irritation; Skin- itching, redness, eczema, dermatitis and other rashes, swelling.

Other allergic response include headaches, puffy face, flushing of the cheeks, swelling, hives and fatigue following exposure to dust, pollens, molds, emotional stress, fabrics, dyes, feathers, animal dander, chemicals, foods and a variety of other materials. The allergic reactions themselves can range from mild to severe depending on individual. Allergies can cause or contribute to asthma, bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, ear infection, eczema, heart palpitations, migraines, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders and seizures, among other conditions.

The body normally has an efficient system to fight off foreign substances such as bacteria or viruses. It manufactures antibodies to destroy or neutralize the effects of the invaders. But the body of the allergic person seemingly overreacts to certain substances. Antibodies are produced in great quantities, along with a product from the tissues called histamine. During an allergic reaction, histamine escapes from the body cells producing inflammation and irritation. It can cause a flow of mucus in the lungs and nasal passages resembling one of the symptoms of cold. Thus there is need for the body to counteract the histamines (antihistamines) in some allergies.

Treatment of allergies: In order for true healing of allergy to occur, it is necessary to address their cause rather than just treat the outward manifestations or symptoms. This involves identifying the substances one is allergic to and eliminating them from the diet and environment. At the same time the body needs to be purged of toxins and the immune system needs to be stimulated. Since no two persons are the same, treatment will vary and usually a combination natural therapies, diet and nutrition are effective in treating allergies.

Nature’s solution to most allergic reactions include-

Picralimanitida (osu-Ibo; abere-Youruba) – seeds are powdered and 1 tsp infused in boiled water or taken with pap two times daily.

Senna tora (osigbumuo-Ibo; asuwon – Yoruba) – decoction of leaves will alleviate symptoms of arthritis, edema and many other allergic responses.

Fleuryaaestuans (nettle) – leaf is another natural antihistamine that can be very effective as it naturally blocks the body’s ability to produce histamine. It can be made into a tincture or teas. But for allergy relief, capsules made from dried nettle leaves are the easiest and most effective option.

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Nettle leaf can also be used in combination of other herbs to make a soothing herbal tea for allergy relief. It is often mixed with peppermint leaf and sometimes basil to make a refreshing allergy relief tea.

Nauclealatifolia (Ubuluilu-Ibo; opepe-Yoruba) – may prevent future allergic reaction. Ethanolic extraction of the roots is made and a quarter of tumbler taken 2 times daily. This is good for rashes and other related condition.

Bryophyllum (African never die) – has effective antihistamine and anaphylactic properties. Fresh leaves can be applied externally and internally.

Sidacordifolia (udo-Ibo) – is reported to have anti inflammatory and decongestant effect and has traditional use in asthma, headaches, aching joints and bones, bronchitis and nasal decongestion.

Euphorbiahirta (ogbu ani –Ibo, Egele -Yoruba) – fresh or dried whole plant is extracted and mixed with natural honey and taken 1 tsp 3 x daily.

Bromelain- natural enzymes extracted from pineapple reduces nasal swelling and mucous production to make breathing easier especially during sinuses allergy.

Garlic and onions- are safe and easy way to reduce and prevent allergic reactions. Add garlic to food. As little as one clove of garlic a day will alleviate symptoms

Cabbage- its high quercetin, antioxidant that is a natural anti histamine can benefit allergy suffers. Eaten fresh or juiced prior to any foods is beneficial especially for aches.

Apple cider vinegar-mix 1 tsp of apple cider with the mother roots in warm water and take 3 x daily.

Dietary and lifestyle changes are also very important in alleviating many allergy problems. Do not let your allergies get you down.