Scientific name: Ricinuscommunisl.

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Common names: Castor oil plant, “Palm of Christ,” castor-bean, ogiriisi (Igbo), lara pupa (Yoruba), dan kwasare (Hausa).

 An annual herb or perennial shrub with palmate leaves having margins that are sharply toothed. Leaves are deep green (sometimes tinged with reds or purples) with a red or purple petiole. Flowers lack petals and fruits are round, spiky capsules that start out green often with a red-purple tinge and mature to a brown color, at which point they dehisce and eject  three seeds each. The seeds are large, glossy, bean-like, and black, brown, white, or often a

mottled mixture. They have the appearance of an engorged tick. The castor bean thrives well in humus soil and grows abundantly in dumps, waste areas and rail roads.

Part used: Leaves and seeds.

Research and documentations show that castor bean contains appreciable quantities of olein, ricinine, N-demethylricinine, tryptophan, cystine, methionine and several flavonoids. Castor-bean is the only significant natural source of ricinoleic acid. This unique fatty acid has a vibrational frequency, believed to promote healing in body cells.

Over the centuries, castor bean had popularly been used ethnomedically in Africa, India, and other places as an ememmagogue. The castor bean, (though not a true bean) is grown agriculturally as a crop for its oil. The oil which is extracted from the seeds has many medicinal, pharmaceutical, industrial uses; and has gained a lot of popularity especially in the

cosmetic industry. Nowadays, the demand for castor oil has kept increasing in the international market, assured by more than 700 uses.

Let’s see some of the many uses:

Severe osteoporosis/fracture: apply castor oil packs very gently to the affected region. You will be amazed at the result you will get after the very first application. Trust me, you may no longer require the very strong painkillers. Use the castor oil packs for 3 consecutive days per

week for several weeks, after which you may change to a weekly maintenance program. This will keep you supple and more flexible. I bet you will actually look forward to your  castor oil day, which you will surely find extremely relaxing.

To make a castor oil pack, you will need: Cold pressed, hexane-free castor oil, pure un-dyed woolen or cotton flannel (about 1 ft. sq.)  and a hot water bottle (heat source).

Procedure: Place the wool or cotton flannel in a container and soak it in 1/4 cup castor oil, or enough to get it saturated, but not dripping. Now fold a pack 3-4 layers thick over the affected body part or the abdomen. The next step is to cover with a clean, plain plastic bag or piece of cling wrap (larger than the pack). Finally place a hot water bottle over the pack, relax for 1-2 hours with the pack in place and watch  the “miracle” take place!

Don’t forget to massage any remaining oil on the skin unto the body, after removing the pack.

Note that a pack may be reused 20 times, adding 1-2 Tbsp. Castor oil before each use, be sure to store in a covered container or plastic bag in the refrigerator, to ensure the oil doesn’t get rancid. If along the line, you are not sure of the potency of your pack, discard to avoid harmful oils absorbed into your body.

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Castor oil packs have also been used successfully to help increase eliminations, stimulate the liver and gallbladder, and to alleviate various kinds of abdominal complaints, headaches, pains, muscle damage, skin eruptions and lesions.

For skin conditions – simply wrap the affected area in the castor oil-soaked cloth each night. For persistent infections and finger and toenails that have discolored and hardened, soak the area for 10 to 30 minutes in epsom before applying the castor oil, to speed up the healing process.

Varicose veins-experts recommend application of castor oil packs at night for the relief of pain and swelling associated with varicose veins.

You can also make a paste of castor oil with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) for callouses, moles, ingrown toenails and warts. Rub in properly for these skin conditions. Use at least 3 X daily for effective results.

For lung/bronchial conditions- place castor oil pack over the chest. Use pack until you get relief. You may add a few drops of thyme, eucalyptus, or pine essential oil to thin mucus.

For menstrual irregularities, uterine and ovarian cysts: place castor oil pack at the lower abdomen.

Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast (FDB)-apply castor oil packs to the lumpy, painful breasts.

For liver detox: Place the packs over the liver as part of a liver detoxifying programme.

For immune boosting: AIDS or other conditions that stress or compromise the immune system often benefit from castor oil packs. It has been shown that AIDS patients who have added castor oils packs even for an hour a day to their treatment regimen have had very positive results. Within 2 weeks or so, it was not uncommon for them to see increases in their WBC,

RBC, and platelet counts, and hematocrit readings.

Labor initiation and progression-in traditional midwifery, castor oil is used internally and externally to stimulate the uterus, soften the cervix, and help initiate labor. Expects suggest rubbing castor oil on the belly and covering with a warm towel if the cervix is ripe and labor seems near.

Chronic constipation: One of its more popular and conventional uses is as a laxative. Castor oil can be taken plain or mixed with pure orange juice to make it more palatable.

In cosmetics: castor is used in lotions, soaps, hair and skin products for its unique ability to withstand high and low temperatures better than other vegetable oils. Its emulsifying property (helps oil-based ingredients mix into water-based ingredients) is a plus. It is a humectant

and also an emollient (seals in moisture).Castor oil is used as a thickener and provides an incredible slip. When applied on the eyelashes  and brows, it stimulates long thick, growth beneficial for those with scanty lashes. It prevents post-operative scarring and helps skin recover even from severe burn.

I am a huge fan of castor oil as it keeps me moisturised throughout the day. By the way, it takes 10 years off your looks!