Wilson Timinindu Freeborn, widely known by his stage name Pappisman, has been making waves in the Nigerian hip-hop scene with his unique fusion of trap sound and rap. Affiliated with the MJ Rock Record Label, he has been on a mission to bring African music patterns and trap style to the forefront of the global stage.


With a passion for exploration and travel, Pappisman finds inspiration in new experiences and cultures. However, it’s on stage where he truly shines, showcasing his craft and talent to fans worldwide.

Beyond his own musical pursuits, he is dedicated to nurturing talent within the industry. He often shares his insights and ideas with aspiring artists, offering advice and guidance on how to navigate the competitive music industry.

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His impact on the Nigerian music scene is undeniable. Hailing from the south-south region of Nigeria, he has earned a reputation as one of the most successful acts in the industry. His vocal uniqueness, combined with his outstanding delivery and style, sets him apart as a force to be reckoned with.


As he continues to push the boundaries of trap music in Nigeria, Pappisman remains resilient, focused, and committed to making a lasting impact on the industry. With his unwavering dedication and innovative approach to music, he is poised to leave a lasting legacy in the world of hip-hop.