It is a scientific and a medical stated facts, that if you develop constipation four things could be going on in your system – you could be gaining weight, you could have changed your diet, it could be due to medication or a true obstruction. Let us first of all establish that if you have had fewer than three bowel movements in a week or your stools are small, hard, lumpy or tough to pass, then you are constipated, especially during these festivities, when we are consuming everything right, left and center. So constipation is a condition in which a person has uncomfortable or infrequent bowel movements.

   A person with constipation produces hard stools that may be difficult to pass. The person may also feel as though the rectum has not been properly emptied. Acute constipation begins suddenly and noticeably. Chronic constipation, on the other hand, may begin insidiously and persist for months or years. It is generally agreed that most at times the cause of constipation is not usually known, but if symptoms persist consult your doctor.

   As mentioned earlier, often the cause of acute constipation is nothing, more than a recent change in diet or decrease in physical activity, for example when a person stays in bed for a day or two during an illness. Many drugs also contribute to constipation. Occasionally acute constipation may be caused by serious problems such as obstruction of the large intestine, poor blood supply to the large intestine and nerve or spinal cord injury.

   Too little physical activity and too little fiber in the diet, are common causes of chronic constipation. Other causes include underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), high blood calcium levels (hypercalcemia), and Parkinson disease. Psychological factors like stress, anxiety disorders etc are also common causes of acute and chronic constipation.

How do you treat constipation?   

When a disease is causing constipation, your doctor must find out and treat the illness. Otherwise constipation is best prevented and treated with combination of adequate exercise, a high fiber diet, and the occasional use of appropriate medications.

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Laxatives – many people use laxatives to relieve constipation. Some are safe for long term use, others should be used only occasionally. Some are good for preventing constipation others can be used to treat it. If your constipation becomes chronic let your doctor guide you.

Bulking agents – corn/maize, pumpkin, okra, carrots, chafed grains add bulk to the stool. The increased bulk stimulates the natural contractions of the intestine, and bulkier stools are softer and easier to pass Bulking agents act slowly and gently and are among the safest ways to promote regular bowel movements.

Please note these research findings.

Anytime you experience constipation for more than a week, that is, if you are unable to open your bowel up to three times in a week. Get near your weighing scale, and weigh yourself daily for a week, if you notice a rapid weight increase, then there must be something you are eating wrong. So change your diet. Always be medically guided.

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