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While we seek our destiny, not everyone finds the meaning and purpose of life. Scientists have sought for decades to explain humanity’s place in the universe. Different cultural and ideological backgrounds have also proposed various responses to this subject. Given that the meaning of life can be defined by what we choose to give it, human existence may be simpler than we thought from a different perspective. According to Daniel Chand, the primary purpose of human existence is to help those in need.
As an Evangelist, Daniel realizes that assisting those in need affects the very foundation of human existence. As humans, we possess an innate desire to help and serve others. Regardless of our beliefs, we also share a core principle of compassion and treating people as we would like to be treated. These values portray humanity. Chand explains that life is beautiful and temporary, and even when life is simply experienced, we yearn to discover its significance and the impacts we can make in the short time we have.
Chand maintains that giving back to others can be essential not only because it makes you feel good or helps you connect with others but also enriches people’s lives. Simple acts of kindness can make a significant difference in people’s lives. Chand believes that assisting others can provide meaning and fulfillment in life when done with sincerity. He uses nature as an example, pointing out that even trees do not grow fruits for their consumption. “Helping people in need is more than simply charity; it is a fundamental aspect of existence,” he says.
We live in a world where there are so many distractions that it’s easy to become engrossed in our interests and lose sight of the value of assisting others. Daniel Chand insists we must attempt to improve the world around us even as we seek to improve ourselves. Helping others comes in all forms and shapes. Daniel and his team continue to lead gospel and outreach activities while making food donations for those who have been afflicted by the global pandemic in both Ethiopia and England.
The pastoral and missionary endeavors of Daniel Chand demonstrate that selfless giving can be an art of living. As he describes the value and happiness he derives from assisting those in need, we might discover that part of being human is simply helping others. This insight suggests we could have everything we need for a meaningful existence.