Last week, we introduced ourselves to marijuana, and its effects on our body when abused. This is by popular demand, because research has shown that 40% of our youth, one way or the other before they reach 30 had tried out marijuana. Now we shall discuss the medical evidence in the usage of marijuana.
What are the medical usages of marijuana?
1) ■ Marijuana is known to produce genetic damage, because of this researchers in Japan, UK & USA have used marijuana to treat genetically linked, abnormal inherited diseases.
2) ■ Marijuana has been found to be effective in reducing the pressure of fluids in the eyes, for patients suffering from glaucoma. In 1976 the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), approved the use of marijuana in the treatment of glaucoma.
3) ■ In 1985 the FDA licensed a drug firm, to manufacture Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol (THC), an extract from marijuana, for use in combating nausea associated with cancer chemotherapy. As at today , UK, USA, Denmark and Japan are in the forefront of this break through, and cancer treatment is the better for it.
4) ■ Just recently marijuana extracts are now being used in some other diseases like multiple sclerosis. It helps in the amelioration of the pipe-line-rigidity associated with multiple sclerosis.
5) ■ I mentioned earlier that one of the side-effects of marijuana is gargantuan stimulation of appetite. Now marijuana has recently been used to improve appetite in people with HIV/AIDS. This started in USA, and is gradually catching on the whole world especially South Korea and Sri Lanka.
6) ■ Marijuana is regularly used in USA, to treat chronic pain and muscle spasms.
What are the spiritual uses of marijuana?
a) ● Marijuana has held sacred status in several religions, it has been used in entheogenic context – as a chemical substance used in religious, shamanic or spiritual context – in India and Nepal. It was used by itinerant Hindu Saints, since the Vedic period, dating back to approximately 1500 BCE.
b) ● There are several references in Greek mythology of marijuana as a powerful drug, that eliminated anguish and sorrow. Herodotus wrote about marijuana use in early ceremonial practices by the Scythians.
c) ● In modern culture, the spiritual use of marijuana has been spread, by the disciples of Rastafari movement, who use cannabis as a sacrament and as an aid to medication. Rastafari is a religion which developed in Jamaica in the 1930s, following the coronation of Haile Selassie 1, as Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. Its adherent worshipped him as God the son.
What are the10 facts every parents should know about marijuana?
These facts were developed by Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), in USA, when parents were getting agitated their teenage children were experimenting on alot of things alcohols, drugs, tobacco and marijuana. I shall methodically state the 10 facts and answer the questions, to allay the fears of parents. Note also that these facts with answers have been compiled into a pamphlet, and distributed the whole world free-of-charge, in NAFDAC offices and all drug agencies.
1) Is marijuana a gateway drug? – The answer is no. Most people who try marijuana, never go on to use any other illegal drugs. Remember Bill Clinton and Obama tried marijuana in their Sophomore years in the Universities, and see what they became. Most of our military leaders had smoked pots in their younger years (please do not tell them I said so), and yet they went on to reach the pinnacles of their professions.
2) Do people still get arrested and punished for using marijuana? – Yes, in Nigeria, believe it or not, there are stillmore arrests for marijuana possession, every year than all the violent crimes combined.
3) Is it true that marijuana has medicinal properties? – Absolutely. For many seriously ill people, medical marijuana is the only medicine that relieves pain and suffering, or treats symptoms of their medical condition, without debilitating side effects. Marijuana’s medicinal benefits are undeniable, now demonstrated by decades of studies, published in highly respected medical journals. As I mentioned earlier, marijuana can – a) Alleviate symptoms of a wide range of debilitating medical conditions, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s Disease, epilepsy, and Crohn’s Disease. b) Marijuana acts as a safer and more effective alternative to narcotic pain killers. c) Marijuana treats severe pain. d) Marijuana reduces nausea induced by cancer chemotherapy. e) Stimulate appetite in AIDS patients. f) Reduce intraocular pressure in people with glaucoma. g) Reduce muscle spasticity in patients with neurological disorders. h) Marijuana also helps to manage some mental health conditions, particularly Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTDS).
Next week we shall continue from the 4th fact. Then I shall answer the question, sent from Abuja, who asked, “doc, which is more dangerous cocaine or marijuana? ”
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