For billionaire business mogul and founder of MLJ Marine Oil and Gas Limited, Ambassador Mpakaboari LongJohn giving back to the people is not just passion but a way of life.

With his MLJ Foundation that has catered for more than 3000 people including young and old at his Asari Toru Local Government in Rivers State and other parts of the country, it is needless to say that he has wormed his way into the hearts of many in no small measure.

The ECOWAS ambassador understands the plight of the downthrodden and knows exactly how to put smiles on their faces having gone through a similar experience through his humble begining, his empowerment programmes scattered across every facet of human endeavour have earned him huge reconginitions from within and outside the country.

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Unveiling his plan for the year, a robust empowermemt scheme will be rolled out soon, one that further speaks to his heart of benevolence and milk of kindness he has always been known for.

Speaking about his plans, he revealed that his findings showed that the youth need to be empowered with different skills that could help them reach their full potential and make the country great hence his resolve to focus human capacity development.

The ECOWAS ambassador hinted further that the new year is a fresh opportunity for people to realign themselves with the reality that “We have to be our brothers’ keeper and give everyone we meet a sense of belonging. The country is divided across ethnic lines and it is drawing us all back because we will hold back a favour once the prospective reciepient does not speak our language.”