Chisom Ebih 

Bananas are number four in the world among the top agricultural. A ripe banana has a shiny and smooth surface of deep-yellow colour. If the peel has small black spots, this indicates that the fruit has the highest sugar content.

Here are fascinating facts about this wonderful fruit.


High in energy: They are great source of energy. Just eat a banana or drink some smoothie in the morning and no snacks would be needed to last you till lunch. You can eat this fruit during the day, when you feel tired or exhausted.


Proper hydration: Bananas contain much water and potassium in them helps your body tissues to accumulate moist and keep it in. So, they do have great hydrating effect, especially in hot climate. These are great refreshments.


Potassium effect: It regulates blood pressure and brings it back to normal. Potassium prevents heart strokes. Makes your heart healthier and boosts oxygen delivery to the brain.


Prevent muscle cramps: Bananas are good after the workout (as well as before). They can keep away muscle pain or cramps.

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Fight constipation: They are fool of fiber and can help you normalise your digestion and get rid of constipation.


Happy food: They are rich in a specific amino acid, which takes part in serotonin production and helps to bring your moods back to normal. Need to relax and feel good? Eat a banana.


Builds up blood red cells: They are rich in iron and supply this key element found in blood (hemoglobin). This means your blood responds properly to some injury, clotting and preventing excessive bleeding.


Help to shed pounds: Bananas are sweet, but low in calories. You can eat a few of them and not running a risk of putting on extra pounds. They can help to satisfy your urge for eating sweets, with no side effects. An average banana contains no more than 110 calories.


Provides the fiber you need: Fiber reduces the sense of hunger. This means when you eat a banana, you stay full longer and eat less. And it cleanses your stomach and promotes digestion, which is the most valuable of benefits of banana.