Getting pregnant is one of the happiest moments in life, but when that possibility is reduced or impossible problems arise in many relationships. There is no denying the fact that infertility can take a major toll on your mental and physical health. The disappointment/heart break when that period comes, monthly schedule of timed sex, the stigma, embarrassment, the hormones, the needles and tests all impact your well being. Not to talk of family vent sessions and the financial strain on the family budget. These and many more cause difficulties in a couple’s relationship. Of course, your experience may differ depending on your unique circumstances. Still, there is no way to describe the overwhelming pain associated with trying and failing to build a new family with your bundle of joy. If you’ve been trying for baby for a while with no success don’t worry, you’re not alone. Just know that fertility problems have become a major issue in the modern world, with more than 10 per ent of couples having to deal with this problem.

Besides consulting a specialist for treatments, there are natural fertility enhancers that can fast-track your journey to parenthood. 

Some of the things you can do at home to boost your fertility and increase the chances of getting pregnant include the following: 

Antioxidant-rich foods: can help in improving fertility in both men and women. When consumed, you can naturally reduce the number of free radicals that are known to damage egg cells and sperm in your body. Vitamin E, for example, is a powerful antioxidant that can be used to reduce age-related ovarian decline and poor sperm counts. Almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, corn and eggs (yolk) are all good food sources of this nutrient. If you want to boost your fertility, try to include more fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts that are naturally packed full of other good antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, lutein, and folate.

Protein: preferably vegetable sources such as beans, seeds, and nuts have been found to improve women’s chances of becoming pregnant faster. So you should try to consume good protein to reduce the risk of infertility. 

Quality fibre: increasing your fiber intake while you’re trying to conceive may significantly improve your chances of it. The great thing about fiber is that it can help your body remove excess hormones while keeping your blood sugar levels in control. Food that has high levels of fiber includes fruit and veggies, whole grains, and beans, so you might want to base your diet around them. Be sure not go overboard with fiber intake as it can also have a negative effect on your ovulation and fertility. 

Supplementation: supplements should be a vital component of a fertility plan; they complement a healthy, balanced diet. One of the most important vitamins for women who are trying to get pregnant is folate, so you can start taking it once you start planning your pregnancy.

Evening primrose: is another important vitamin for women who are trying to conceive. This vitamin has been used to increase cervical mucous, which is needed for sperm to swim freely through the cervix. Some women have low levels of cervical fluid, making it more difficult for the sperm to reach its destination. If trying to conceive: Take 1500 – 3000 mg one to two times daily, from day 1 to 14 in the cycle. Once pregnant, you must discontinue this method.  

Zinc: is an essential nutrient to try. It ensures the production of good quality sperm and can reduce the chance of miscarriage. It also supports healthy testosterone levels in men. The daily requirement for zinc is 30mg and it can be sourced through food- oysters, lamb, peppers, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, wholegrains and seafood. Remember your legumes, such as beans, peas and lentils.

Iron: is very important for women who are in their reproductive years. It’s paramount that you increase your iron intake if you want to improve your ovulation and fertility. If your diet doesn’t include enough iron sources, try to find an adequate supplement.

Royal jelly: packed full of lipids, vitamins, amino acids, iron, fatty acids, and calcium, it can help boost fertility. 

Maca:  has been shown to positively affect sperm levels and quality. 

Bee pollen: helps improve immunity, nutrition, and fertility in men. 

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Bee propolis: is a powerful fertility enhancer. Women who used bee propolis twice a day had higher chances of getting pregnant. 

Other important vitamins and minerals for optimizing good fertility to consider are vitamin D, B12, B6.


Maintain – a healthy weight to increase chances for pregnancy. Weight is one of the most relevant factors that affect fertility in both men and women.

Avoid – or cut down on caffeine. Excessive consumption may affect ovulation; reduce chances of conception and increase the chances of miscarriage. 

Cut back – on your alcohol consumption, to improve your chances of becoming a dad! Excessive alcohol is said to affect the quality of sperm.

Quit smoking – toxins in tobacco smoke can harm both eggs and sperm, including damaging DNA and reducing your chance of pregnancy. And it actively affects the success rate of fertility treatments such as IVF.

Keep your vagina chemical-free – Avoid scented tampons, vaginal sprays, artificial lubricants, arousal oils, and douches as they can cause a pH imbalance in your vagina, pelvic inflammatory disease, and can affect the cervical mucus that transports the sperm.

Do not skip breakfast, choose low-carbohydrate diet and avoid refined carbs.

Always bear in mind that diet absolutely has an impact on fertility.

Deal with stress – chronic stress leads to the production prolactin, the same hormone produced by breastfeeding women to inhibit ovulation, so it will make conception more difficult.

Stay hydrated – you can stay fully hydrated throughout the day by drinking water and other fluids as well as eating foods that are hydrating. 

Don’t forget that it takes two to make a baby, the burden of treatment, or tensions, pressures should be shared and not left for one person to bear.