When things move in a different path than you intended, most people often scramble to salvage the situation using any means possible. Unfortunately, this results in disappointment and burnout. Gary Burbridge explains that sometimes, instead of wearing yourself out, it is essential to take a step back and watch things unfold.

Based on experience, Gary Burbridge has learned that taking it easy doesn’t mean you are giving up. Some situations in life demand that you take the back seat and let them work themselves out. Gary Burbridge explains that finding more solutions is often not the answer when nothing is working. It is more reasonable to take a step back, allow yourself some time and observe the situation.

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According to Gary Burbridge, when people keep throwing solutions at a problem, they end up coming up with complex answers to simple questions. Taking time off gives you time to process and see the problem from new angles. This makes it easier to come up with a resolution in the end.

“Telling people to take it easy is one thing; however, very few understand the true essence of taking things easy. In moments when nothing is working, it is easy to burn yourself out and turn a passion into a burden,” says Gary Burbridge. “However, if you learn how to take a step back, it becomes easier to pick back up from where you left off with a fresh outlook,” he adds.

Gary Burbridge points out that when you withdraw yourself, you allow your mind much-needed rest, which helps to boost creativity. The incubation period when you are taking a step back is crucial to crafting excellent ideas and solutions for the challenges standing in your way. In addition to this, easing off also helps you regain control of your attention. Challenges and setbacks can be consuming; it becomes easier to recover your attention when you take a breath away from the challenge.