Dear Dr,

Can a woman receiving treatment for infertility get pregnant within a month of treatment? My friend and I seem to argue about this point. Can you throw some light?

– Asabe Dunkwa, Jalingo, Adamawa.

Dear Asabe,

It is possible. What prolongs fertility treatment and bedevils the outcome is the search for the cause of infertility characterised by various tests for both male and female; and the unpredictability of treatments and their effectiveness. To be fertile, the human female who is normal (in other words, all tests have been done and concluded with a proper treatable diagnosis or reason for the blockage of fertility) will have a certain specific time and period in her monthly cycle called her fertile period; and since this happens monthly, that is the proof that a woman can get pregnant in a month.

The following stories are true and reveal how and why it is possible to get pregnant within a short period. Listen to these ladies we have had the privilege to help

First; “I had almost no sperms at all (my sperm count was around 2 million) and my wife had ovarian cyst which meant that she really was not releasing any eggs; but once we met with a doctor and he treated us, to my surprise, my wife got pregnant – surprise of surprises – just a month! When, in shock, I asked her ‘Dear, did you sleep with another man?’ She answered me and said, ‘But you know I have no eggs’! We were both shocked beyond words at our good fortune!!!”

Second; “As a couple, we were at our wit’s end. I was already taking injections from another doctor to correct hormonal imbalance after two years and there was yet no baby. We met doctor in November of that year and by February my wife was pregnant; to deliver the next November our first baby boy. We could only remember that the first day we met doctor, he had told us that if we were serious, we would be carrying our baby within a calendar year!! And it came true!!!”

Third; “When my friend got pregnant, I went to her office one day and demanded that she take me to the place where she got help to become pregnant; why? Because she and I had gotten married around the same time and were still trying to conceive the last time we compared notes. She took me to doctor and told me I would get pregnant in short order if I was serious. I did. My little baby boy is the spitting image of his dad; only that he is dark-skinned like me while my husband is a light-coloured oyibo.”

Fourth; “Yes. I got pregnant and I can say it was within fifteen minutes! I came from the Southern part of Nigeria to see doctor with my husband. We arrived on a Saturday and started treatment. On Sunday morning, we told doctor we were too tired to attend church because of the long journey and he decided to spend fifteen minutes with us to inspire us before he would leave to go preach in church as the he is also a pastor! 

When he finished and left, we rested a little bit and fell asleep. In my dream, my neighbour at home who was also my hair-dresser confronted me; wanting to know where I got my claims of a pregnancy from since, as she said in the dream, we were neighbours and she knew that I was by no means pregnant. I found myself so fully confident and assured her I was pregnant that I successfully defended my being pregnant, asking the lady to come to check out my baby bump in the privacy of her office. Immediately doctor returned from church, he asked me what dream I had. As I told him the dream I knew that it was what he had told us fifteen minutes ago before he left for church that had really inspired me so much that I was sure I was going to get pregnant that month; which I did!!!”

Fifth; “Did she sleep with the doctor?’ This question bothered me for the whole duration of my wife’s pregnancy until she delivered. You see, I had ZERO sperm count and it had been confirmed in several places before we met doctor. The best that could happen was to get a turnaround in at the least three months as other doctors had told me. But in just ONE month after my wife and I went to see the doctor; she was pregnant!!! When my wife finally decoded my body language at the eighth month of pregnancy, she went, in anger to report me to my elder brother and on her return, she stopped to tell doctor what she had discovered – that I was thinking that he, the doctor, slept with her!!! She threatened to pack away to punish me. Doctor encouraged rather her to stay and that God would vindicate her. She did. Our baby girl was and still is my spitting image; no need for DNA paternity tests!!”

• Continued next fortnight

Asabe dear, the stories above must have convinced you that your case is not hopeless — you can get pregnant now. It is God’s will.  Also, see It is frustrating when you are stumped by the challenge of infertility and you feel you cannot do anything about it for whatever may be the reason. But that situation and excuse is now in the past. You do have evidence NOW that you can be rid of this challenge in short order. What are you waiting for? Just call the help lines.

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Can I douche (wash inside my vagina)?

Dear Dr,

I have a question that has bothered me for some time. Can I wash inside my vagina? Is it okay medically? I would have thought there was nothing the matter with doing this – that is; washing inside the vagina. But someone told me recently that it is bad and that doctors don’t recommend it. Why? I believe you are going to give me the correct and comprehensive answer.

Thank you. Gina Gonkola, Mubi.

Dear Gina,

PLEASE do not douche!!! That’s because douching changes the balance of natural chemicals and healthy bacteria in your vagina and can make it easier for you to get dangerous infections!!!! Most ladies want to clean inside to prevent discharge or fluid from the vagina that is not normal such as thick and white (like cottage cheese) or yellowish-green and bad-smelling discharge. Discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle, but it normally looks clear, cloudy white, and/or yellowish. If you are not sure if your discharge or fluid is normal, have your doctor check you out.

What then is the best way to clean my vagina if I am not to clean inside? It is best to let your vagina clean itself. The vagina cleans itself naturally by making mucous. The mucous washes away blood, semen, and vaginal discharge. If you are worried about vaginal odour, talk to your doctor. But you should know that even healthy, clean vaginas have a mild odour that changes throughout the day. Physical activity also can give your vagina a stronger, muskier scent, but this is still normal. All ladies can keep the vagina clean and healthy by just washing the outside of the vagina with warm water when they bathe. Some women also use mild soaps. But, if you have sensitive skin or any current vaginal infections, even mild soaps can cause dryness and irritation. DO NOT GO INSIDE. Avoid scented tampons, pads, powders, and sprays. These products may increase your chances of getting a vaginal infection. Be warned; be cautious; be safe.

Rashes in private part in a virgin

Good morning Dr,

I need your help. I noticed that at times I develop rashes (spore-like pimples) on my private parts and it increases each time I shave my private hair. It comes and goes. I have been using Shea-butter, Vaseline, Dusting Powder but no changes. Please I’m seriously in need of your help because I don’t want to visit any hospital. I have never had sex. I am 20. What’s going on? How do I get rid of this?

Anne Gbagbo, Akure, Ondo state.

Dear Anne

Your rashes are nothing to worry about because you’ve never had sex. They are simply related to the delicate skin tissues of your genitals and their reaction to your shaving of the hair. You have no problem. Try Aloe Vera cream after every shave. See a dermatologist, if not better with Aloe Vera.
