In the name of Allah , the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
All praise is for Allah, the Lord and cherisher of the universe. May His peace and blessings be upon prophet Muhammad, (PBUH) his household, companions and followers of right guidance till the Day of Judgment. In Suratul Faatir (The originator of creation) Q35 v 2,”What Allah out of Mercy doth bestow on mankind non can withhold: What He doth withhold, non can grant, apart from him.”  Allah, the Exalted, says,”The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is that of grain of corn: it grows seven ears and each ears has a hundred grains.”
Allah gives manifold increase to whom   He pleases, and Allah cares for all and He knows all things. O you who believe! Cancel not your charity by reminders of your generosity or by injury like those who spend their wealth to be seen of men but believe neither in Allah nor in the last Day.
They are in parable like a hard barren rock on which is a little soil, on it falls a heavy rain which leaves it (just) a bare stone. They will be able to do nothing with what they have earned. And Allah guides not those who reject faith. And the likeness of those who spend their wealth seeking to please Allah and to strengthen their souls is as a garden high and fertile…” Q2 v 261, 264 – 5.
By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely) of that which you love: and whatever you give, Allah knoweth it well” Q3 v 92
Islam obligates us to be hard working, seeking wealth through righteous means and spend on our wives, children, parents, relatives, and give in charity. it is the duty of the rich to take care of the poor.
Hence, Allah enjoins “Zakat” (obligatory charity, the third pillar of Islam) annual alms giving of 2.5 percent of the capital and property  after all expenses have been deducted to the poor, on rich believers “sadaqa,” (charity) on every believer. This is to wash away greediness from our hearts, purify our hearts. and property and foster good relationship and kindness, among us.
They ask thee (prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) what they should spend (in charity), says,” whatever you spend that is good, is for parents and kindred and orphans and those in want and for way-farers. And whatever you do that is good, Allah knoweth it well.
Further, prophet Muhammad (PBUH) crowned doing all good deeds with our return to the Almighty after sojourn on earth that “whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build a house for him/ her in Paradise. Hence, a Public Lecture titled “The Mosque: an everlasting Investment” will be delivered by (Dr) Hon. Abdul-Lateef Abdul-Hakeem, Commissioner for Home Affairs & Culture, Lagos State on April 9, 2017 at the central Mosque Imowo-kekere (CMI) premises. The Masjid (mosque) is the House of Allah’s  refuge, the Central Mosque Imowo-kekere, off Ijede Road, Ikorodu further seeks the generous support of the Muslim Jummah and communities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), philanthropists and God-loving donors towards the completion of her Central Mosque.Contact: First Bank Account number: 2025087211,  Account Name :Central Mosque Imowo-kekere. E-mail: [email protected]
May Allah (SWT) grant all  our efforts as an act of Ibadah, amin.

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