Garcinia kola, often known as bitter kola, is a flowering plant found mostly in the tropical rain forest region of Central and West Africa. In folkloric medicine, every part such as the seeds, stem, and leaves have medicinal value.

It is said that he who plants a bitter kola tree does not eat from it. The reason for this is that a bitter kola tree starts bearing fruits after thirty years from the time it is planted.

It should also be noted that bitter kola can make medications ineffective, so when you are on medications, stay away from eating it. The caffeine content in bitter kola makes it a good stimulant or psycho-stimulant for the central nervous system; as it helps to improve awareness and elevate mood. However, it should be eaten in moderation.

These are some benefits of bitter kola:

Cold remedy

It is very effective in managing symptoms of cold, sore throat, cough and nasal congestion.

Antimicrobial benefit

It is used in many tropical countries to fight infectious diseases. It is effective for managing pains, bacteria and viruses.

Aids detoxification

It has a cleansing effect on the liver, gall bladder and the entire body system. It reduces the absorption of poison. The chemical Saponin in bitter kola is responsible for its cleansing effect.

Anti-inflammatory benefit

Kolaviron is an ethanol extract from the seeds of bitter kola. Studies have shown it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Provides immunity

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of bitter kola make the body resistant to infections.

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Libido enhancement

Bitter kola is the number one sexual performance medicine for men. Few natural products can match the sexual benefits of bitter kola. Eating a piece of bitter kola daily can help in the treatment for low libido, low sperm count and erectile dysfunction.

Improves lung function

Bitter kola has been used for centuries to treat chest colds in traditional medicine, but research has taken a look and found out why it is effective. A study in the 2008 issue of The Internet Journal of Pulmonary Medicine reports that bitter Kola works by dilating the alveolar duct and sacs in the lungs.

Lowers blood glucose

Bitter kola is used in the management of elevated blood sugar. This has been validated by several laboratory studies.

Helps with weight loss

Bitter kola has been shown to be a natural hunger suppressant.

Liver friendly

Bitter kola seed is used for the treatment of liver disorder. It enhances the functions of the liver and gall bladder. It contains chemical compounds that help with the breakdown of glycogen in the liver. Saponin in bitter kola is mainly used as tonic for the liver. Bitter kola is also very efficacious for hepatitis. The leaves are used for stomach ache and pains and they also serve as good remedy for typhoid fever.

Antidote to malaria

Extracts from bark, stem and seed of bitter kola tree inhibit the growth of malaria parasite (Plasmodium falciparum) by at least 60% at a low concentration of 6 mg/ml.


When food is suspected to be contaminated by bacteria, chew bitter kola immediately after, it will forestall the development of any infection or poisoning. The seed and the bark of bitter kola should be eaten together in cases where food poisoning