Guavas are a very common type of fruit but are often neglected because of their hardness and presence of seeds. Apart from the fruit, the leaves are also good in lowering blood sugar. All you need to do is to boil the leaves and drink the water.

These are some health benefits of Guava:

Antioxidant properties

The high content of vitamin C in guavas, four times higher than that found in oranges, helps boost the immune system. According to a study published in the Food Chemistry Journal, the antioxidants in the fruit help defend the body against the proliferation of free radicals which are one of the main causes of serious health issues.

Lessen Diabetes risk 

Fibre is important for lowering blood sugar levels and good for cleansing digestive system and maintaining free bowel movement. Daily intake of guava can help patients suffering from Diabetes because it contains a high level of dietary fiber which is beneficial for lowering blood glucose levels in the body.

Eye health improvement

Vitamin A or retinol is responsible for good eye sight. Guava is rich in retinol. So if you do not like carrots, you can try guava for improving your eyesight. Guavas contain folate which helps in promoting fertility in humans.

Regulation of blood pressure levels

Potassium in guavas helps normalize blood pressure levels. Research published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that guava helped reduce LDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure in study participants. The fruit, being very rich in fiber and hypoglycemic in nature, is also beneficial in helping to reduce blood pressure.

Rich in copper

Guavas contain copper which is very good in maintaining good functioning of the thyroid gland. The thyroid hormones play a significant role in energy regulation and metabolism in the body.

Rich in Manganese 

Guavas are rich in manganese which helps the body to absorb other key nutrients from the food that we eat. When our food gets properly utilized, we get all the key nutrients.

Nervous relaxant

Guava is rich in magnesium which acts as a nervous relaxant. It helps to relax muscles and nerves of the body. So after a hard work out, guava is certainly what you need to relax your muscles and give your system a nice energy boost.

Stimulates cognitive function

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Guava helps to keep your brain functions positive by maintaining good blood flow and also by infusing it with Vit B3 and Vit B6. Vit B6 is good for nerves. It keeps your nerves and brain relaxed. Vitamin B3, also known as niacin can increase blood flow and stimulate cognitive function.

Improves complexion

Pink guava helps in beautifying your skin thus enabling it to regain its radiance and freshness.

To improve your complexion, you can prepare a simple guava scrub at home. For this purpose, mash some guava flesh with an egg yolk and apply it on your face. Rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water. When used once or twice a week, this scrub will remove dead cells from your skin and lighten your complexion.


UV protection


Pink guavas contain twice the amount of lycopene present in tomatoes. Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects your skin from being damaged by UV rays and environmental pollution. A guava provides about 2.9 grams of



Weight loss


Guava is very helpful for people who want to lose weight without compromising their intake of vital proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is high in roughage (fiber), has no cholesterol and contains a low number of digestible carbohydrates. This combination makes a filling snack that satisfies the appetite very easily.

Kate Halim

[email protected]

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