Peanuts can reduce colon cancer especially in women. Eating at least 2 spoons of peanut butter twice a week can reduce the risk of colon cancer in women by up to 58% and in men by up to 27%. This is one of the best benefits of peanuts for women 

The anti-inflammatory properties of peanuts treat skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema. The fatty acids present in peanuts also reduce swelling and skin redness. Peanuts contain Vitamin E, zinc and magnesium, which keeps the skin glowing from within and fights the bacteria that produce acne. The protein content in peanuts also helps with cell regeneration. 

Peanuts contain a relatively good amount of fatty acids that is believed to be critical to the brain’s nerve cells. This brain friendly cell helps with stress management and mood swings to prevent various skin disorders like wrinkles, fine line and dullness.

The fiber in nuts is essential for the elimination of toxins and waste. Toxins inside the body reflect on our outside appearance, causing breakout, dullness and excess oil. Eating peanuts regularly helps flush out excess toxins from the body to give you a healthy skin

Peanut is loaded with magnesium which calms nerves, muscles and blood vessels to provide better blood flow to the skin. This, in turn gives you a youthful and healthy skin.

Skin damage occurs as a result of oxidation, a chemical process in which unstable molecules called free radicals steal electrons from healthy cells. Vitamin E in peanuts defends the skin’s cells against the damage of oxidative stress. It guards the skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun to protect against sun burn and skin damage

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Signs of ageing like wrinkles, discoloration and decreased elasticity are one of our biggest beauty concerns. Peanut contains significant amount of Vitamin C which is required for the production of collagen. Collagen is required to sustain tendons, skin and cartilage. It provides firmness and elasticity to the skin to keep it young and supple.

Beta carotene, an antioxidant found in peanuts, is very critical for skin’s health. It is converted into Vitamin A in the body which helps in the growth and repair of body tissues. Thus, peanuts help to heal wounds and bruises at a faster pace.

Peanuts are high in zinc, which has proven to help the body produce healthier sperm by increasing sperm count and motility.

Peanuts stabilize your blood sugar with their low glycemic index. This means they digest more slowly and release sugar gradually into the blood stream and they provide long-lasting energy and decrease cravings.

Peanuts are packed with fiber and protein. They keep you satisfied and full for a long time, helping to manage your hunger.