The gall bladder is a small, pear-shaped sac located below the liver on the right side of your abdomen. Most of the bile which is produced by the liver is stored in the gall bladder before it is released into the intestines to aid in digestion of food. If the bile is not completely emptied from the gall bladder, then it becomes stagnant and firms a thick sludge which eventually turns into small hard stones. By far, gallstones are the most common gall bladder problem. While most of the other gall bladder problems are caused by these stones, infections which results in inflammation also contribute.

Other gall bladder problems which may occur are gall bladder cancer; perforation (tearing or rupture) of the gall bladder; gangrene (if adequate blood flow to the gall bladder is blocked); pancreatitis (when the stones migrate from the gall bladder thereby blocking pancreatic ducts).

Sufferers complain of headaches, indigestion, gas, heartburn and are frequently irritable. Other gall bladder symptoms include: a feeling of fullness, nausea, constipation, eye problems (including spots before the eyes, cataracts); swollen ankles; inability to digest fats, sharp stabbing pains, pressure under the ribs, a frequent belching bitter taste, cold sweats, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), itching red skin on the back, varicose veins, clay-colored or dry, hard stools and hemorrhoids.

It is always advisable to check with your physician when suffering from any of these symptoms. You may not really know where your gall bladder is located, but when it starts to hurt, you’ll know right away, where it is!

These symptoms can be relieved by the following botanicals which are available right from your kitchen:

Dandelion- tea has strong liver protecting abilities and is very effective in curing gallbladder problems. It purifies the blood, improves gastro-intestinal health, and cuts the heaviness of fatty foods. It also enhances the production of bile, takes care of hepatitis or inflammation of the liver and also helps to dissolve the gallstones. Infuse 1 tablespoon of the herb in a teacup of boiling water for fifteen minutes. Strain and then drink 3 X daily.

Olive oil- its powerful antioxidant properties keep the gallbladder in excellent health and may help flushing out stones from it. Simply taking one or two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil before each meal usually gets a “lazy gall bladder” into action. This starts the flow of bile before the rest of the food enters the stomach. You may be one of those likely to get a bit more indigestion for the first few days of consuming olive oil, but you should see marked improvement within two weeks.

Chamomile tea- has long been known to dissolve gallstones. Nicholas Culpepper, a renowned herbalist, wrote: “that it is excellent for the stone, appears in this which I have tried, viz., – that a stone that hath been taken out of the body of a man, being wrapped in chamomile, will in time dissolve, and in little time, too.” What Culpepper is saying here is that, a gallstone when removed from a sufferer and placed in chamomile, dissolves in a short while. So, why don’t you consume the tea internally to get rid of gall stones? Take 1 teabag 2-3 X daily.

Peppermint tea- aids digestion by stimulating the flow of bile and other digestive juices. Plus, it has a compound called terpene that can effectively dissolve gallstones. It is also believed to help relax spasms and relieve acute gallbladder pain. Add one teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in a cup of boiled water. Cover and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and add one teaspoon honey, if desired. Enjoy the tea while it is still warm. Take twice daily for 4 to 6 weeks. Drink it between meals for maximum results.

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English pears – may provide relief from gallstone pain and other symptoms. The compound, pectin present in pears helps soften cholesterol-filled gallstones, which in turn get flushed out of the body easily. Mix half a glass of pear juice with half a glass of hot water. You may add 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink this juice 3 X a day for 14 days.

Beet- the roots and tops have also been recommended for speeding the flow of bile. Extract the juice from 1 beet root, 1 cucumber and 4 medium-sized carrots. Mix together and drink this juice 1-2 X a day. Follow this remedy for 2 weeks and you’ll notice a huge improvement in your condition.

Red bell pepper: a single red bell pepper has about 95 mg of vitamin C, the essential vitamin required to get rid of gallstones. Adding the red bell pepper to your meals will help you get the essential nutrients to prevent gall bladder problems.

Lemon Juice: since we know that vitamin C is needed to flush gall stones and drinking plenty of water helps to cure all kinds of gallbladder problems, adding a dash of lemon to the water, is an added advantage. Simply squeeze in the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water kept under room temperature and take first thing in the morning. The juice of lemon may also be placed in a small glass of red grape juice and to this, add about 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Take this mixture one hour before breakfast, for a while and you will be amazed at the results you will achieve.

Water- experts have noted that most gall bladder sufferers drink much less fluid than other people. Water is therefore highly recommended for all gall bladder problems. Usually, it  is advisable to double the intake of water than usual.

High fiber cereal-many gall bladder sufferers fail to eat breakfast, but experts recommend a good high fiber breakfast to start the bile juice flowing. Foods like bran “sweeps the degenerated bile salts out of the colon” and many patients usually feel relief of symptoms.

Lentils: studies have shown that people who had more intakes of lentils were more immune to gallbladder problems than people who did not. So making your meals rich in many varieties of lentils can help prevent gallbladder problems. Lentils blend well in soups, stews and salads. You can get lentils (which are grouped with beans and peas, as part of the legume family) from grocery stores and they come in three main varieties: brown, green and red.

Radish- juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of gall bladder stones. To prevent the stones, use the juice of the crushed roots in doses of 60 to 120 ML.