The kidney is primarily dedicated to the maintenance of a constant and healthy internal environment in the body. Its most important function is to regulate the body’s water content.  Although the kidney is often described as excreting water, its duty is really more of conserving it, for much of the water that passes through the kidneys is reabsorbed. Only a comparative small amount, which acts like a solvent for waste materials, is actually passed into the bladder.

The kidney also regulates the relative salt balance in the body, excreting excess amounts. It also helps in the maintenance of the PH, acid/alkali balance in the blood.

Another important function of the kidney is to separate waste from useful substances. As the blood filters through the kidneys, many vital molecules such as glucose and amino acids leave the blood and enter the urine fraction. These important molecules are later reabsorbed while the waste products are excreted.

The kidney is also involved in the production of the hormone rennin, which is involved in the regulation of the blood pressure.

For the kidney to perform these functions optimally, it needs to be healthy. And one of the ways to achieve this, is through a kidney cleanse.

A good kidney cleanse can greatly help the kidneys maintain a proper water/mineral balance in the body, filter waste from the blood and help clear the kidneys of foreign substances that may have accumulated over time.  For desired result to be achieved, proper water intake and diuretics are essential in a kidney cleanse. While the diuretics will increase the rate of urination,which helps to flush the kidneys, water will guard against any dehydration.

Some kidney-cleansing herbs:

These herbs are not only diuretics but they also contain phytonutrients that help strengthen as well as clean the kidneys.

Parsley: an excellent diuretic that helps in edema and elimination of kidney stones. It is believed to increase the elimination of waste products like urea, and other acidic metabolites, and thus used for gout and arthritis. Parsley should not be used in pregnancy, nor is it recommended in painful menstrual periods. Get a bunch or more of fresh parsley and rinse with very hot water to cleanse it. Place the parsley in a pot and pour enough water to cover the leaves. Simmer for 5 minutes. Drink 1/4 cup daily for 3 weeks.

Phyllanthus amarus: (stone breaker; ite kwo nwa-Igbo; eyinbisowo-Yoruba) – leaves and soft stems are properly washed and macerated. The extract is taken one teacup, 2 times daily. The powdered plant may also be used as hot infusion-one teaspoon in a teacup of boiled water, 2 times daily.

Watermelon seed tea: watermelon contains very high concentration of water. It is also rich in potassium salts. It is one of the safest and best diuretics, which can be used with beneficial results in kidney stones. The seeds are also helpful. Next time you eat your melon, remember not to discard the seeds. Dry some, grind to powder and take 1 teaspoon 2-3 x daily.

Basil: has a strengthening effect on the kidneys. 1 teaspoon each of basil juice and honey when taken daily and up to six months may help expel kidney stones from the urinary tract.

Horsetail: high in silica, and is used as an astringent in the genito-urinary tract. It is also a diuretic. This herb has been found to reduce the levels of lead in the body and also has a positive effect on lipid (fat) metabolism”. Its astringent action may help with bladder stone and the reduction of prostate enlargement. The high levels of silica content of horsetails help with tissue repair.

Take a teacup 2-3 X daily for treatment of cystitis, edema associated with menopause or arthritis, and urethritis. 1 teaspoon should be infused in a teacup of freshly boiled water for 15 – 30 minutes. You may also try daily sitz baths with a strong decoction of horsetail.

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Corn silk: has a lot of vitamin K and potassium and also diuretic. It is used for acute or chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, cystitis, prostatitis, edema, night time urination, and urethritis. It has antiseptic properties and is soothing to the urinary tract as well as protects the kidneys.

Nettle: highly nutritious, with vitamins and minerals including chlorophyll and beta carotene, vitamins A, B 2, C and E, calcium, potassium, and iron.

Nettle has been proven to increase the elimination of the waste product, uric acid. It is a diuretic, and has been found successful in managing the symptoms of benign prostate enlargement, particularly in combination with corn silk.

Nettle has an antibacterial effect, and has been found to be effective against staphylococci and other bacteria. It helps get rid of metabolic wastes and also used in chronic cystitis.

Dandelion-this herb may be mixed with other mild astringent herbs such as chickweed and nettle to help the kidneys process waste more efficiently. Equal measures of these herbs are mixed together and then 1 tablespoon infused in a teacup of boiled water for 30 minutes. Take this 2X daily.

Aloe vera juice: taken at levels that do not produce a laxative effect, can be useful in preventing stone formation and in reducing the size of a stone in acute attacks.

Clean water- for kidney health, drinking plenty of quality water daily helps flush the body of waste so they don’t build up in the kidney. Also drinking the juice of a fresh lemon in a glass of warm water first thing each morning will be beneficial to the kidneys.

Increase your consumption of foods rich in vitamin A, which is beneficial to the urinary tract. Good sources include carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes.

Cabbage, onions, and red grapes: contain antioxidants that may reduce the risk of kidney disease as well as certain cancers. Add them to your meal plan and your kidneys will be very glad you did.

Our kidneys are working all the time, cleansing our bodies of wastes and toxins.

When they function effectively, we feel healthy and energetic. For the top health of your kidneys eat the right foods and exercise. 

Reduce red meat, processed foods, caffeine and soda. Even seemingly benign foods such as cold cereals and ketchup, contain large amounts of sodium and sugar, which taxes kidneys. Also desist from self medication and drug abuse.