More and more people today are happy to invest in their oral health care and desire to have a bright white smile.  Teeth care today is better understood and good hygiene and healthy diets have helped us to keep our teeth in better condition.  New technology has led to better dentistry practices and the materials dental scientists have in their clinics for repairing our teeth are safer than they have ever been, in terms of fillings etc.

Even though you may have teeth that are in good condition, that you faithfully brush and floss, they may not be as white as you would like and this can make you shy about smiling.  Over time, our hard-working teeth will suffer from fatigue and can begin yellowing, become more sensitive, and generally suffer from wear and tear.

To get, and keep, a clean, shiny white smile, you may want to consider veneers treatment at Dentakay dental clinic. Dental veneers cost a lot, depending where you go for your treatment, so they are an expensive investment, but the results are usually quite fantastic. These days it is possible to find ways to make your smile makeover affordable, and at a cost that will suit your own budget.

Modern veneers are certainly the way to improve your smile, and they are available in a few different types.  Your own final dental veneers cost will depend on both the extent of your treatment, and the type of veneers that will suit your needs.  Every patient requiring veneers needs a different treatment due to their unique situation.

Dental Veneers Cost Analysis

Your own particular situation will dictate the most suitable veneer treatment for you but your involvement in every decision will be required by any dental practitioner who is going to advise you about the choices you have.  Such an important decision about your oral health has to be the right one for you as there is no going back once you have your veneers treatment.

Dental veneers cost an incredible amount of money in both the U.K. and the U.S.A.

If either of them is your home country, you will pay more than you would in other parts of the world such as Europe, Central America, or North America.

For example, in the U.K., a single veneer made of porcelain will cost you in the range of £500 to £1,000, and composites will cost you somewhere in the region of between £150 to £400 or more, depending on which clinic you attend.  In the U.S.A., a single veneer made of porcelain could cost you anything in the range of $900 to $2,500, and the price of composites will cost you in the range from $400 to $2,000, for a single veneer.  Again, this cost depends on which clinic you attend.

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There are a few differences between the varying types of veneers in terms of the materials from which they are made, hence the range of costs.  The dental veneers cost is worked out with the type of veneer kept in mind as well as the number of appointments you will need with your dental surgeon. The final cost will also include common additions such as having your natural teeth whitened to match your new veneers.

What Are the Differences Between the Types of Veneers?

  • Composite veneers are made from a resin-based, malleable putty material that your surgeon can sculpt your veneers from individually. These look very natural.
  • Porcelain veneers are made of ceramic and require natural tooth enamel removal.
  • Emax laminate veneers are made from lithium disilicate, a glassy ceramic that is more translucent than traditional ceramic porcelain veneers.
  • Lumineers, thinner than traditional veneers and do not require any enamel removal preparation.

The best type for you will be advised by your dentist who will explain to you which of these types you are a suitable candidate for and what the preparation requirements are.

Because the dental veneers cost is getting higher in the U.K. and in the U.S.A., many patients from these places are becoming what’s termed as, “dental tourists”.  Dental tourism is big business in some European, Central American, and North American countries, and their costs for the same treatment as you get in your home country can be up to 70% less.

The following list will show you some of the differences.  Obviously, these prices are approximate, depending on an individual’s choices of clinics, but they are a good example for your comparison and information: –

Dental Veneers Cost in Popular Countries Abroad

  • In Costa Rican dental clinics, a single porcelain veneer will cost approximately £320
  • In Hungarian dental clinics, a single porcelain veneer will cost approximately £240
  • In Mexican dental clinics, a single porcelain veneer will cost approximately £270
  • In Polish dental clinics, a single porcelain veneer will cost approximately £200
  • In Spanish dental clinics, a single porcelain veneer will cost £200
  • In Turkish dental clinics, a single porcelain veneer will cost £150
  • In Thai dental clinics, a single porcelain veneer will cost £120

Since the NHS in the U.K. covers only necessary work, they do not consider covering the cost of veneers as they are regarded as cosmetic work and the NHS does not cover cosmetic dentistry.  So British citizens quite happily travel to European countries and combine their oral health treatments with a holiday arranged via a medical travel agent.

If you decide to stay in your home country and have your treatment, and you live in the U.K. or the U.S.A., you may want to consider a dental payment plan to help fund your smile makeover.  Dental veneers costs quoted may not include other treatments you may need in addition to getting your veneers such as tooth whitening, which is often an added extra.

Some dentists have in-house payment plans to spread the balance you owe over an agreed period of time, after your deposit is paid.  There are also third-party finance plans available from companies with arrangements with dental clinics. Perhaps your dentist has one.