Olamide Batunde

The New Year presents good opportunities for prepping to become a good reader or reading more books for those already in the habit.  There are tons of books out there waiting to be picked up. The glitch is finding time to do so and how to maximise such time in consuming a good number of reads. While there are no shortcuts, these simple-to-follow tips can help in achieving reading goals starting this new decade.


Decide what to read

Achieving reading goals can go smoothly only when you make up your mind on what to read. There are all kinds of books ranging from fiction, non-fiction, crime romance, plays, biography, memoirs and more besides the purpose for which you want to read also is a factor to check. Once you have it clear what sort of book you are interested in then you can pick accordingly whether for information gathering, leisure or study.

Pick and prioritise

After identifying the purpose for reading, pick the books that appeal to your purpose. Once you have done this prioritise them. Make a list and ensure you stick to it. Do not pack on more than necessary all at once as it may cause you to feel bombarded.

Set a time

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Once you have made up your mind to start reading you may have to set aside specific times during the day every day to read.   While waiting for a bus, during commute or break hours are good enough to catch a few pages.  Fix a schedule that works with your other business for the entire day without letting one botch the other.

Start small

If you are just starting to get interested in books, do not take a deep plunge.  Begin with baby steps, taking it in bits and pieces so that you don’t become overwhelmed before you have started. You can start with 5-10 pages per day. In the end, if you can finish an entire book in a month, then you should hug yourself.

Take notes

Following your schedule, notice how well or not you are doing. Track your progress. This will allow you to be responsible and accountable, too. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you lag behind; rather, look out for what draws you back and fix it.

Join a book club

Having a group to share your newfound hobby will motivate you further into enjoying reading. A recommendation from this place is absolutely reliable and the discussions there after make the reading quite unforgettable. You can also share your reading experience here leaving reviews of books you have read and find really interesting.