When you find yourself in a relationship with a Canadian cutie, you might be tempted to try to get them in bed as soon as possible. Of course, that is not always the best approach, especially if you are trying to make the relationship last. To achieve that goal, you need to have a way to keep those hot feelings at bay, relax; they will warm up your cold Canadian nights soon enough. Starting your relationship online can help you in that respect. Dating online might lack the physical closeness you want from a beginning relationship, but it will keep you from getting naughty with your partner. However, that is not the only practice available to keep the lid on your online dating connection. We’re going to give you five pieces of advice not specific for Canadian dating, but some things that all humans accept as useful to help you achieve that goal.

  1. Keep Things Focused Online

The best thing you can do when trying to keep things from getting too hot and saucy is to make sure that you keep things online. The thing about places like Canada and other permissive societies is that people feel entitled to make a relationship move as quickly as possible to the bedroom. With that being the case, it’s a good idea for you to think about logging into a Canadian dating site to help you meet a romantic partner who is a perfect match for you. Among the numerous benefits of using such a website include the opportunity to meet someone who is willing to take things slow and understands your desire to have a relationship that is more romantic than intimate. Modern dating services are loaded with options for meeting people in any part of Canada and other countries, so people will be available no matter if you’re living on the coast or the interior of the country.

  1. Talk About “It”

Another tip that will help you make sure that you keep your intimate side at bay while you’re dating is to talk about it. As Canada is a first-world country and you are not in the arranged marriage situation, you can, and you need to sit down with your partner and elaborate on your reasons for not wanting to get into that side of a relationship. You don’t have to go in-depth all the way, but it’s a good method of letting your partner know that this is a choice that does not have all that much to do with them. Instead, it’s a personal belief that you are set on for the time being. Doing this will also help you identify and weed out dates that are not going to respect your wishes and try to push for intimacy before you desire it.

  1. Limit Your Physical Affection

Another valuable way to reduce your feelings of intimacy towards another person is to lower the amount of physical affection you express to another person. If you are constantly making out with someone, then your desire to push things farther might overcome your sensibilities, and you might find yourself making a mistake. You can kiss to warm each other up in a cold Canadian climate, but don’t get handsy. In keeping with the baseball metaphor, stick to first base and leave second, third, and home plates all alone for now.

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  1. Distract Yourself

When you are hanging out alone with your partner, you should try to spend time meaningfully as to distract yourself from your hot feelings. A great way that people have found to make sure they don’t internalize such feelings is by playing a video game with their romantic partners. Lots of singles in Canada are gamers, so there’s a high chance that you’ll stumble into one at some point, and video games are a great way to promote teamwork between you and your date, learn about mythology and folklore, and keep you both engaged so that you don’t suddenly come up with the desire to pass the time in another way instead.

  1. Spend Time with Other People

Lastly, a great method to make sure that you keep feelings of intimacy at bay is to spend time with other people while you’re with your date. It’s very hard for you to think about doing naughty things with your partner if you are with a group of friends in a mall or at home with family members far away in the Canadian countryside. Even if you wanted to act on those feelings and your willpower was low, you would still have a bunch of people around that would essentially prevent you from acting on those feelings.


Keeping your relationship with fellow Canadians online is a fantastic way to make sure that you won’t succumb to lusty feelings. The more physical distance you put between you and a partner, the easier it is to resist that side of your mindset. Still, you need other safeguards in place other than online dating so that you can keep yourself from getting hot and bothered. Making sure you limit your physical interactions when you’re together, focusing on doing things together that keep you distracted, and having double dates with other people are all great ways that you can start having romantic interactions without worrying about them wanting to get you into bed.