Doris Obinna

Most people have different views about acne, a skin condition characterised by red pimples. It usually occurs on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders “due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands.”

Acne occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells.  It is most common among teenagers, with a reported prevalence of 70 to 87 per cent.

Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress and scar the skin. The earlier you start treatment, the lower your risk of lasting physical and emotional damage.

According to Dr. Sylvester Ikhisemojie, acne is a common disease that affect the largest organ in the human body, adding: “This condition develops when the hair follicles become blocked with dead skin cells and oil such that pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and even scars can form.

“The surface of the skin is made up of many tiny holes. These holes are known as pores and they open up into a follicle, which usually contains a hair follicle and an oil producing gland. The gland produces and releases oil that is used to lubricate the skin and also to protect it.

“When dead skin cells are not able to be cleared from the follicle, a blockage results and the follicle ends up producing too much oil. This leads to the blockage of the pores. When this blockage is complicated by an invasion mounted by bacteria, the symptoms are much worse and the resulting acne is correspondingly worse.”

Also, a dermatologist said acne typically appears on areas of skin that have the most oil (sebaceous) glands. “When your body produces an excess amount of sebum and dead skin cells, the two can build up in the hair follicles. They form a soft plug, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive. If the clogged pore becomes infected with bacteria, inflammation results,” the expert said.



As said earlier, acne occurs when the pores on your skin become blocked with oil, dead skin, or bacteria. Each pore on your skin is the opening to a follicle. The follicle is made up of a hair and a sebaceous (oil) gland. The oil gland releases sebum (oil), which travels up the hair, out of the pore, and onto your skin. The sebum keeps your skin lubricated and soft.

However, there are four main factors that cause acne: oil production, dead skin cells, clogged pores and bacteria.

According experts, acne can be caused by one or more problems in this lubrication process. It can occur when: bacteria build up in your pores, dead skin cells accumulate in your pores and too much oil is produced by your follicles. All of these problems contribute to the development of pimples. A zit appears when bacteria grow in a clogged pore and the oil is unable to escape.



Acne signs and symptoms vary depending on the severity of your condition. Thy include:

• Whiteheads (closed plugged pores);

• Blackheads (open plugged pore – the oil turns brown when it is exposed to air)

• Small red, tender bumps (papules)

• Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips

• Large, solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin (nodules)

• Painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin (cystic lesions)


Factors that may worsen acne

These factors can trigger or aggravate an existing case of acne:

Hormones: Androgens are hormones that increase in boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives also can affect sebum production. And low amounts of androgens circulate in the blood of women and can worsen acne.

Certain medications: Drugs containing corticosteroids, androgens or lithium can worsen acne.

Diet: Studies indicate that certain dietary factors, including dairy products and carbohydrate-rich foods – such as bread, bagels and chips – may trigger acne.

Chocolate has long been suspected of making acne worse. A study with 14 men showed that eating chocolate  has a relationship with increase in acne.

Stress: Stress can make acne worse.


Treatments and drugs

According to an expert, if over-the-counter (nonprescription) products have not cleared up your acne, your doctor can prescribe stronger medications or other therapies.

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A dermatologist can help you control your acne, avoid scarring or other damage to your skin and make scars less noticeable.

The medications work by reducing oil production, speeding up skin cell turnover, fighting bacterial infection or reducing inflammation, which helps prevent scarring. With most acne drugs, you may not see results for four to eight weeks, and your skin may get worse before it gets better. It can also take many months or years for your acne to clear up completely.

The drug your doctor recommends depends on the type and severity of your acne. It might be something you apply to your skin (topical medication) or take by mouth (oral medication). Often, drugs are used in combination. Pregnant women will not use oral prescription medications for acne.


Natural and home remedy

Honey: It has been known as a characteristic disinfectant and can help demolish the microbes in the oil organs rapidly, serving to accelerate the mending methodology.
Use clean, sterile cotton tipped application and dab natural honey straightforwardly onto the skin flaws, abandoning it on for no less than 30 minutes prior to washing with warm water.

Lemon Juice: Another incredible approach to get rid of pimples is to utilise new lemon juice. The gentle citrus extract will work as a germicide and kill the microscopic organisms in the organ while functioning as an astringent to overabundance oil. There are two or three approaches to apply this home remedy: Use a clean, sterile cotton swab; apply lemon juice to the affected zones before you sleep.
For more tenacious pimples, make a mixture of lemon juice and cinnamon powder and spot onto pimples for night treatment. This will help dispose of pimples rapidly. However, it is not suggested for individuals with sensitive skin.

Natural tea: Tea tree oil is astounding for treating skin break out and acne. It has antibacterial properties that help battle the microscopic organisms, which cause skin issues. Additionally, its mitigating properties help decrease the redness and aggravation of pimples.

Olive oil: Olive oil contains vitamins, anti-oxidants and iron. The calming properties of olive oil likewise help uproot skin break out scars.
You have to apply olive oil to your scars before going to bed.
Take olive oil and delicately knead your face with this.

Concentrate all the more on the pimple scars.
Knead for a couple of minutes till the time you can feel that all the oil has been consumed by your skin.
Take a clean towel or material and wrap it into warm water.

Raw papaya (Pawpaw): Papaya is great for skin and you will get it throughout the year. It is pear-molded delectable and sweet organic item; the consistency of the mash will be similar to delicate spread.

Normally it will associate with one pound in weight and seven inches in length. The tissue inside the papaya will be in orange shading with slight shades of yellow or pink.
The Papaya is useful for skin and hair. It contains a protein known as Papain that helps you in processing proteins effectively.

Papaya is a wholesome natural product that offers numerous profits for your skin.
It has various properties that assist in the treatment of pimples.

Apply papaya paste over the pimples. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes prior to flushing it off. To make face mask, you have to mix some papaya pieces and include nectar. Apply this mask all over and rub tenderly. Let it dry and after that wash your face.

Yogurt: Yogurt has incredible profits for your skin.
In India, utilising yogurt for skin is still esteemed as an awesome approach to clear pimple inflammation.


Prevention and management tips

•  Wash your face no more than twice each day with warm water and mild soap made especially for acne.

• Do not scrub the skin or burst the pimples, as this may push the infection further down, causing more blocking, swelling, and redness.

• Avoid popping pimples, as this makes scarring likelier.

• A specialist can treat a pimple that requires rapid removal for cosmetic reasons.

• Refrain from touching the face.

• Hold the telephone away from the face when talking, as it is likely to contain sebum and skin residue.

• Wash hands frequently, especially before applying lotions, creams, or makeup.

• Clean spectacles regularly, as they collect sebum and skin residue.

• If acne is on the back, shoulders or chest, try wearing loose clothing to let the skin breathe. Avoid tight garments, such as headbands, caps, and scarves, or wash them regularly if used.

• Choose makeup for sensitive skin and avoid oil-based products. Remove makeup before sleeping.

• Use an electric shaver or sharp safety razors when shaving. Soften the skin and beard with warm soapy water before applying shaving cream.

• Keep hair clean, as it collects sebum and skin residue. Avoid greasy hair products, such as those containing cocoa butter.

• Avoid excessive sun exposure, as it can cause the skin to produce more sebum. Several acne medications increase the risk of sunburn.

• Avoid anxiety and stress, as it can increase production of cortisol and adrenaline, which exacerbate acne.

• Try to keep cool and dry in hot and humid climates, to prevent sweating.