To remain as healthy as possible, exercise is more important to the elderly than it is to the young. The elderly, quite alright may have some concerns about starting a healthy exercise program. The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta states that 28 per cent of the American populations over the age of 50 are physically inactive. This is a sad fact considering that 4 out of 5 of the most limiting chronic health conditions could be managed or prevented by physical activity. Throughout the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) has linked 3.2 million deaths to inadequate physical activity. In Nigeria, majority of our elderly are homebound and/or are exposed to little or no form of physical activity. This condition according to research is not in any way helpful to them. In the course of using the Herbalife ball steam application pain pack, different ways of engaging the elderly with less stressful/painful physical activities will be achieved through the Application Procedure. Improved mobility amongst other factors especially among the elderly has been linked to improved longevity.

There are so many questions that will usually go unanswered when considering physical exercises for the elderly but these questions will be addressed below:

Why do I need to the Herbalife Ball as part of the exercise program?

• Maintain balance and stability

• Improve the flexibility of joints

• Increase muscle strength

• Improve blood circulation

• Decrease pain and depression

What will be the content of my exercise program?

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Aging brings along with it changes in the functioning capacities of the various body parts. There may be a reduction in the flexibility, strength and stability, lung and heart capacity. The ligaments surrounding the joints become less elastic leading to increased pain and stiffness. Your body also metabolizes food slower leading to weight gain. An exercise program therefore will consist of:

• Muscle strengthening exercises like the stretching to increase joint flexibility

• Cardio exercises like the breathing exercise to improve blood circulation

• Balance development to improve stability

What do I need for exercise and will the exercise in any way increase my life expectancy?

In carrying out any form of exercise by the elderly, the Herbalife ball Steam Application Pain Pack and the Herbalife ball cream will be needed to end every session with. Studies have shown that regular exercise can increase life expectancy by several years but most importantly, it will keep you fit and make enjoy your relationship with your loved ones. According to research published in the Public library of science, normal-weight people who exercised for 150 minutes or more per week lived about 4.7 years more than normal-weight people who did not partake in moderate exercises.

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