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We live in a world where industries are constantly evolving in different ways to widen their reach and make themselves and their products accessible to more and more people. When it comes to the world of music, people use different methods to get in touch with their favorite singers and bands – by sending them messages on social media or by joining their fan clubs. However, for indie artists and musicians, now there is an easier way to reach out to new fans. How is that possible and how can artists leverage platforms like Spotify to do that, we ask the founder and CEO of YourOwnMusic, Jake Shaw.
Jake Shaw was born in Blackpool, England, and grew up in the northern part of the country. In 2015, he started his online music agency called YourOwnMusic, which helps artists reach out to newer fans from all around the world. The agency receives the name ‘YourOwnMusic’ as a message to the fans who want to reach out to their favorite musicians and choose what genre of music they would want to listen to. Jake says that his mission is to offer organic music promotion for the singers and bands so that they can get in touch with new followers from all around the globe. To make this happen, the agency uses Spotify playlists that help the process to become smooth and effective.