God is the ultimate leader and there is no template for leadership outside of divine instruction. Anyone who is a leader worth the name must govern by godly principles, if they are to have the integrity upon which any great leadership stands. If you are a youth reading this piece, take the admonition here to heart.

Youth of this nation should not embrace decadent foreign cultures. Some Western nations are rewriting the rules of ethical morality, trying to spread pervasive ideas about sexual freedom that contradict the word of God.

Perhaps, largely due to their economic power, these Western nations, led by America, are promoting strange concepts of freedom that are fast destroying the moral fabric of society. The fact that something is trending in America does not mean that it is good, our young people must know that.

It is only by godly principles of leadership that a leader can be judged; no dissertation or philosophy can supplant the laid-down ordinances given by the Almighty God in the Bible. For ages, men have tried to run away from this truth to no avail. Even nature and wildlife submit to godly principles. Men often try to pervert the laws of God or create doctrines or laws to legalise their sins.

We know, for instance, that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality, yet leaders of this generation in some countries are amending their laws to legalise not just homosexuality and lesbianism but also same-sex marriage. Worse still, some Western leaders are threatening to impose economic sanctions and travel bans on nations that outlaw this terrible sexual immorality. This is the ultimate failure of global leadership we are already experiencing.

Taiwan is the latest country to legalise same-sex marriage. I watched in horror as global TV networks like CNN and Aljazeera showed gay and lesbian weddings in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. This is the first Asian country to embrace this abomination. Many countries in Europe and Latin America have legalised same-sex marriage in open defiance of the word of God.

It is instructive that the first indication of decadence in a society is the collapse of its moral ethos. What follows is gradual degeneration of ethical morality. As moral values die off, so a society disintegrates and slides into total destruction. The present-day nations of Europe rose from the ashes of the corrupt Holy Roman Empire, which itself was ruined by its failure of moral leadership and the wicked rulers whose rebellion against God terminated the progress of the empire and caused it to self-destruct. I hope our young, aspiring leaders are reading this?

Failure of leadership begins with greed for power, the propensity to sit-tight and rule forever. Gradually, the leaders think they are indispensable, they then try to pervert the laws of the land and appropriate constitutional powers with the conspiracy of the governing elite, who benefit from patronage from the leaders’ corrupt practices. Since human nature is corrupt, the greedy leader creates a network of compromised courtiers who can help them remain in power in exchange for a mess of porridge.

Next, anything goes. The greedy leader’s lust for power would make them tolerate, or even promote moral decadence such as homosexuality, lesbianism, etc. Western leaders are promoting this brand of sexual sins because they want to win elections, they need the votes of the powerful lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender (LGBT) group, those sexual perverts who have formed into powerful voting cliques in some developed nations.

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The LGBT and their cohorts, the National Rifle Association (NRA), in the United States have become a powerful force in American politics. The NRA is a group of private gun owners who resist attempts by government to introduce gun control laws. Tell me, what is a citizen doing with assault weapons in a relatively secure, well-policed nation like America? Now, largely due to the refusal of the NRA to submit to the regulation of gun ownership, gun-related deaths are high in the US, and there is little the governing elite can do about it because of fear of losing power.

The NRA and the LGBT are calling the shots in American politics because the governing elite have become weakened on account of their own moral failure. The ruling elite have lost considerable influence because of corruption and incompetence. So, to win elections, they have to pander to the wishes of perverted organisations like the NRA, LGBT and their ilk.

So, youth of Nigeria, I admonish you to reject corruption. Work hard, work smart to rebuild our country on strong moral principles. America was founded on godly principles, which is why its dollar has the motto “In God We Trust.” But most Americans no longer trust God. They put their trust in material possessions, technology, fame and fortune. Little wonder, America, the number one nation in all human development measurements, is scared of the growing power of China, the number two, seeing that, in a few years, China would displace it as the leading industrial power in the world.

If China sneezes today, America catches cold. Why? The USA, a great nation, is declining on account of its godless disposition, its growing contempt for God, and its focus on satanic concepts that the Bible forbids. Our youth should, therefore, reject US models of morality, if they stand any chance of building a great Nigeria.

Weekend spice: Success is the ability to go from failure with no loss of enthusiasm ¬ Winston Churchill

Ok folks, thanks for reading. Stay motivated till Friday.

   Ayodeji is an author, rights activist, pastor and life coach. He can be reached for

mentoring and counselling on 09059243004 (SMS and

WhatsApp only)