Like in other aspects of life, time is central in the spread and control of this behemoth called COVID-19.

Time, however, will always play a fast one on the collective memory and psyche of mankind. This partly explains why defense budgets of most of the nations of the world are in multiple of dollars over and above that of health. While there is global anticipation of war dimensioned in tanks and bombs, there is little anticipation or preparation for a war that is invisible and pandemic in nature.

One instructive denouement this COVID-19 tragedy is certain to stamp on history is the awakened realization across the class- sequestered world that when the chips are down, all the worldly stuff at which primitive acquisition of wealth are targeted would not matter a shrimpy.

With corporate concerns and well-meaning individuals donating hundreds of millions to stem the tide of contaguity and mortality of this hydra-headed virus, it is not out of place to demand an efficient management of this crowdfunding receipts in a way that will not suffer the pilfering valve of kleptomaniac bureaucracy.

Government should constitute a transparent body of credible individuals with track record of integrity to manage the funds and trouble shoot on various health projects that are people-oriented.

More test centres could be built across the country with a long-term aim of equipping them with state-of-the-art medical facilities that meet world standard.

If the State House Clinic could be so mismanaged with the billions of naira allocated for its running on yearly basis left unaccounted for and no first respondent in such larceny brought to book, it’s left to be imagined what awaits the present crowdfunding initiative if early caveat is not heeded.

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Overall, it does seem that the chasm between the government and the governed in Nigeria is further brought to the fore by the flip flop efforts of the three tiers of government to reach the grassroots in terms of administering palliatives.

National identification programme is so muddled up and has remained as it were an epic failure, whereas it is for such a time like this that makes nations prepare a reliable national identity database.

Our rudderless identity database does not only upend our ability to respond to emergencies, it also undermines government’s revenue generation efforts, budgetary forecasts and growth projections.

While other nations have used social security initiatives to advance social welfare and push the frontiers of industrialization, all these modern renaissance that define developed nationhood have simply become rocket science in Nigeria.

Now that the chicken has come home to roost and our policy makers are locked down in the same space they have allowed to atrophy through dehumanizing negligence and delinquent aloofness, it is hoped that every resource available, including the receipts from the crowdfunding, would be responsibly utilized going forward.

• Bukola Ajisola wrote from Lagos