It took me forever to calm Jasmine, as she spoke she paced up and down to the point that I got dizzy and asked her to put a muzzle on it. Jasmine showed no sympathy after my explanation, she still felt Kaycee was way out of line. The week was hectic; the Government had decided that because of the rapid spread of the corona virus, it was shutting down Lagos for two weeks. “Sleeping at work?” I heard an all too familiar voice. 

Rick as usual walked in unannounced. Sighing I opened my eyes reluctantly. I needed that five minutes sleep, it was the type that gripped you and caught you unawares and if care is not taken you might forget to close your mouth while sleeping. I hope my mouth wasn’t open when he came in, I grimaced. When we were younger, we would mischievously put a morsel of bread or pour quinine syrup in the mouth of the unsuspecting victim, of course we always got a good hiding for our unrepentant feat but we did it again and again.

I smiled in nostalgia as I remembered the fun and laughter. “I would definitely like to know what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours mio cara, mi rendi felice ho, bisogno di te, baciami,” he said in Italian meaning ‘you make me happy, I need you, kiss me’. Rick started walking towards me, his intention clearly written on his face.

I quickly stood up and backed off towards the bathroom door as he advanced; excitement and confusion written boldly on my face as my heart threatened to beat right out of my chest. “Miss Tobs, I am sorry for interrupting but you have often said when it has to do with the ‘Janes’ I must inform you immediately.

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Georgina will like to see you and she says it is urgent,” Debbie, my Secretary said looking away in embarrassment from my no doubt dishevelled appearance. “Saved by your Secretary,” Rick whispered in my ears before letting me go, sending shivers down my spine. “Be ready for 7.00pm tonight, we are having dinner,” he said in his usual arrogant fashion with complete disregard for Debbie’s presence, my time or activity for later in the day.

He was gone within seconds after planting a swift kiss on my parted lips as I made to protest. Debbie later ushered in poor Georgina (not real name) who was already in tears. You must be wondering who ‘the Janes’ are, they are the female victims of domestic violence; the support group is run anonymously so the female victims do not disclose names, age, location, work etc and so are considered “Jane Dough’s like in the American movies; a person without identity while the male counterparts are ‘John Dough’s. “Georgina, what is the matter?” I asked in concern as I led her to my sofa. “He threatened to kill himself in front of my Sister’s house today if I don’t return back to his house,” she said in between sobs. “What!” I exclaimed.

This is a new twist to this charade; from threat of acid bath, to kidnapping, now this? Georgina’s husband is truly a sick man and I will deal with him, I vowed silently. ‘It’s ok sweet, you are safe with me now,” I said soothingly. It is time to go on the offence; I am tired of doing defence. Georgina stayed a while, crying intermittently as she poured out her heart.

Things are definitely not going to continue like this, I mused as I went home that evening after dropping Georgina off. When I got home Kaycee was waiting outside for me. “Kaycee is anything the matter?” I asked in concern. “Yes Tobs, I tried calling the girls today to apologise for the other day but surprisingly they all seemed ‘busy’, no one wants to talk to me. I know I was wrong but how does avoiding me help?” She asked tearfully. I sighed in tiredness; I had just been through a gruelling emotional upheaval; what with Rick then Georgina, now this? I am beginning to think my life is on a roller coaster. I can’t seem to have a minute of calm and tranquillity.