Welcome to another weekly class of the school of money,we will be looking at a two part series on the all important twins : money and marriage.

Money matter is a major cause of crises in many homes,as a matter of fact,when we look at causes of crises,it ranks among the top five along with communication,sex,third parties and unrealistic expectations. It is amazing to see some things that happen in marriages especially when it has to do with money. Lack of money and too much money are equally an issue depending on the side of the pendulum that one operates from. My audio program “money in marriage”is one of the bestsellers because it gives wise counsels and tips to couples on finance and how to secure their financial future.

Money matter is very vital because their is no romance without finance and we need money to fund the fun.

# Too much money can be a problem

# Too little money is definitely a problem

# Waste of money is a problem

# Financial dishonesty is a problem

# Absence of financial intelligence and management is a problem

# lack of wealth creation and investment plan is a problem etc

Their are numerous wise counsels and tips given in the audio program but let me give just few of them in this write up.

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1. GIVE FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE A PRIORITY I am always amazed when I see people who spend majority of their time working for and looking for money and yet the same set of people do not think it wise to invest in learning about and understanding money. Financial illiteracy is a major problem in many homes and the root cause of poverty in many lives. People work to earn instead of working to learn,and many people have hardly read a single book on money all their lives. Financial intelligence is key and should be given a priority in your life and your home if you want to become financially free.


If you fail to plan you have indirectly planned to fail and in every aspect of life including marriage,proper planning prevents poor performance. As a couple you need to have a family budget and financial plan for your expenditures,holiday,investment,homeownership,entrepreneurship etc it’s amazing how many people just leave things to chance yet hoping that things will just get better. If you leave your life to chance,you will be chanced. Many couples fail in their finances because even though  theyare married they are not united in their finances as each person keeps claiming “my money syndrome” which is an error in a marriage especially a Christian marriage.


After close to three decades in ministry,I have seen and heard of all kinds of horror story of financial deception going on even in so called Christian marriages,and one wonders if these couples know the dangers and errors of their action. I personally believe that your spouse should know everything about you financially and there should be no secret among couples. Having secret accounts and investments that your spouse know nothing about is an error,and many have lost so much money to strangers who benefit from such secrets and take over since the spouses are not aware.


It is simply common sense for every one to live within their means,but of course like we all know “ common sense is really not common” when your expenditure is greater than your income,your upkeep will become your downfall,so wasting money and living beyond your means is an error. Any wise couple that wants to find fulfillment must ensure they avoid undue pressure,materialism,emotion and sentiments,etc. For many couples debt is a major issue because they have allowed themself to be buried in debt and now for them it is not “till death do us apart but till debt do us apart”.

  We have to stop here today,but Join me next week for the final part of this series.

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