Dear Njigirl,

I was married for eight years. My wife gave me hell in those eight years. She never allowed any of my siblings to visit us in those eight years. She was like a Jezebel. We have two seven-and-five-year-old children, who were isolated from everybody.

Of course that marriage was completely sour and she dumped the children on me. I am trying to care for them without any help.

My siblings are very annoyed with me because they feel I could have stopped her from her actions but they do not know how wicked and stubborn she was. I am totally lost and need help. Please help me.

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■ Tunde

Dear Tunde,
I am very sorry to hear about your predicament. Separation and/or divorce is especially hard for children. In your case it is even worse that you do not have any support system. The children cannot relate to your parents or siblings because they do not know them but all is not lost. You can begin by sharing stories of your upbringing with your siblings. Naturally children are curious and adventurous, they will want to visit your siblings.

Apologize to your family about the manner by which they were treated by your wife. Let them know that you are sorry. I suppose they are aware that you are no longer together with your wife. Your children need the type of emotional support that can only come from family members. It is time to mend the bridge, love them unconditionally. Once you have reconciled with your family, start looking out for a woman that you will call wife and one who will love and respect you and your children.
Warm regards, Njideka