I am sorry that I have to postpone till next week
my response to Dr. Andrew Omachi’s belief
that Christians and Muslims do not worship the
same God. And that if I have it that they serve
the same deity in the book I plan to publish that
it could cast doubt on the integrity of my claim
that the Ancient of Days told me. Omachi must
have started reading my column in the last two
to three years otherwise he would have known
that I cannot come out to say the Lord told me
something if He did not.
Long – time readers of this column know that
twice or thrice in the last nine years I had written of the day, Saturday, January 13, 2007 that
I and two others offended the Most High and
the terrifying experience we had and that He
warned us in a stern manner not to do anything
to annoy Him again in our lives. So, I am not
someone who will lie that the Lord told me
something when He did not, when I know that
punishment awaits me in the world beyond.
The evidence that Christians and Muslims
worship the same God is in the Book of Genesis
in the Bible, only that many a Christian do not
realize this. As is the case with the true meaning
of His statement in Genesis 2:24 only those the
Lord speaks with directly can understand this
when they read the chapter concerned.
Most Christians used to think that the
Heavenly Father was instituting monogamy in
Genesis 2:24. Until I wrote about it in 2013 and
2017 and this year they did not know He was
putting in place the marriage system in which a
man in ancient Israel would serve his prospective father – in – law for seven years before he
gave him his daughter as wife.
This is the issue I want to treat today that
made me postpone my reaction to Dr. Omachi’s
claim until next week. It is unfortunate that in
spite of what I wrote last week that the owner
of GSM number 081 – 3634 – 9895 still thinks
the Supreme Being was instituting monogamy in
Genesis 2:24.
According to the person, if God wanted a man
to have two or more spouses what He would
have said in that passage was: “Therefore shall a
man cleave to his wives, not wife. How could the
Lord have said wives when He was not instituting a system in which a man would marry two
wives at a time?
The Most High could only have said wives if
at any time a man wanted to marry he must tie
the knot with two women. With my explanation those who say God would have said wives
in Genesis 2:24 and not wife should know that
they are displaying that they do not have proper
understanding of that passage.
As I stated in last week’s column if the
Ancient of Days in Genesis 2:24 was telling a
man to have one wife, would He not have had a
law to that effect and punish polygamous men
for disobeying Him? And is it not perplexing
that with Him giving rule in Exodus 21:10 – 11
and Deuteronomy 21:15 – 17 to a man with two wives to treat them equally, that anyone would
still think or say that He is against polygamy?
As I had also pointed out Jesus Christ spoke
against only adultery and divorce during the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:27 – 32), if God
was against plural marriage would he not have
included it during his preaching that day and
elsewhere? And does Apostle Paul in I Timothy
3:1 – 5 and Titus 1:5 – 6 saying that a church
leader (in Good News Bible) or a bishop (in King
James Version) must have a wife not evidence
that polygamy was on at that time.
I believe he said that because some bishops or
church elders were marrying two or more wives.
Or it could be that they were pleading to be
allowed to be polygamous. It is also instructive
that when Apostle Paul made the statement that
he did not speak against multiple marriage or say
that all men must be monogamous.
In modern times does a man, even in Israel,
leave his parents to go and serve for one year, let
alone seven years, the father of the woman or
girl he wants to marry? Is it not a woman after
marriage that leaves the parents to live with
her husband? This means that the wordings of
Genesis 2:24 does not apply to marriage in this
our time because it is not a man that leaves his
As I have pointed out people should realize
that God in Genesis 2:24 was instituting the
seven-year – service condition for a prospective
husband, not monogamy. Since the Lord has no
law against polygamy and He, Jesus Christ and
his disciples, did not condemn it in the Bible
Christians should know they are committing sin
when they say otherwise. Especially the pastors
and prophets who always claim God told them
so and those who tell polygamous men to divorce
the wife or wives they married after the first one.
They should know they are placing themselves under the curse of the Ancient of Days
in Genesis 27:11 – 26 on anyone who would say
anything against His laws and teachings. Such people should know they would be punished in
their Hereafter.
This is the last time I would write on polygamy in this column.
Next week: My reply to Dr. Omachi that
Christians and Muslims worship different Gods

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