There seem to be this subtle hatred for people who can afford more than we can or doing better than we are in this clime.
No! The hatred and anger is not against the political class stealing us blind and have made it impossible for unscheduled meetings. The anger is against fellow citizens who work for their money and can afford extra comfort.
Have you ever seen a good looking car knock down an okada/keke rider? The speed with which fellow okada/keke riders would rally around immediately brandishing all manner of weapons, fuel and lighter. They are either ready to vandalise the car stealing away valuables or set it on fire.
It doesn’t matter that it was the okada/keke rider who was at fault, the rich looking car must be looted or destroyed. In most cases, they label the driver or owner a ritualist.
You get to the ATM to make withdrawals and you see how angry people can be. They even curse you out for withdrawing multiple times. They almost start throwing tantrums that you are about to take the entire money in the machine.
I have come face to face severally with this poverty induced hatred when boarding commercial vehicles and when I inform the driver that l’m paying for two seats. Some passengers and even the driver would sacarstically tell me that I should have paid for the entire seats or pick a drop instead. I try not to dignify them with a response.
Instances abound where people get angry in commercial vehicles when a parent choose to pay for a seat for their little child to sit comfortably. They try to school you on why your child should stand all through the journey or you lap the child instead. Only poverty would make a man see suffering as virtue.
They are angry when you refuse to patronize their low quality products or you prefer another better looking product to their own. These people get unnecessarily angry and grumble because you are sticking to what is best for you. Why these so much anger against people who have done you no wrong, aside that they can afford better things?
Poverty induced hatred makes you cook up stories to make people working hard to make it look bad. It is the reason you label every single woman or man pushing the envelopes a ‘Runs girl’ or ‘Yahoo boy’ even with no proofs. It is so bad that just about any unverified rumour and you are more than willing to set another man’s properties ablaze. Little crisis or pandemonium and you are out to loot bigger businesses dry.
Fellow Nigerians, the man you are attacking at the ATM queue is not the cause of whatever you may be going through. Learn to Leave people alone. It is their money, they have a need for it and it is the reason they are at the ATM in the first place. It is their right to withdraw as many times as it is yours to withdraw just once or as many times as you wish. If you are in a hurry or you have an emergency, you can plead with those on the queue rather than attacking the person making multiple withdrawals.
Those paying for extra seats for themselves or their children in a commercial vehicle are not your problem and shouldn’t be made scapegoats for your societal ills. The earlier you understand this, the better for you. Channel your anger against the government, they are the people you should be calling out for your woes.
When you hate on those who have more than you do, a negative self stereotyping sets in. You deal in falsehoods to avoid guilt. You start looking for stories that let you assign blame on others, and raise children in poverty as well. Your children will grow to underestimate their own intelligence and capability, and this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
After all, children internalise stereotypes projected on them while young, it does nothing to boost their life chances. They will antagonize and cook up stories as well against everyone striving harder to make it to avoid guilt.
There is no excuse for willful evil, even if your life is filled with pain and desperation because poverty left you with few choices. The things you choose are a reflection of the type of person you are.
Your mind is one thing you can control and nobody can take that from you. Poverty should not make you incapable of moral reasoning. Poverty should not be an excuse to be mean and unreasonable.
Hatred/anger is not poverty induced, you are simply a hater. You have fed your mind with so much bitterness that another man’s progress upsets you.

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