Wole Oguntola is a poet with two awards in both poetry and short stories. A satirist and an activitist, whose poetry has been published home and abroad, he is currently the HOD of Art, at Excellent Comprehensive Model International Schools, Osogbo, Osun State.

The downcast and dwellers

Two intolerable inhabitants

Have taken oath to team together;

the downcast and dwellers

They settle among sharps

and stings of sorrow

Of ill-gotten days

And, see them through cracked defence

Both communing together

But of different worlds

As dwellers keep hoping

In the twists and turns

of time-

Downcast keeps building

the dreams in the castle of air

and grandeur

of melting sun

They’ve come in tangle of wrists

In trap of traitors

And through rhythm of wars

Of hope derailing land

Where wailings do echo

Silent range of laughter

Of defence of disintegration

It seems sometimes is

a traversed truth

Dwellers are compelled

To unknown spells

And of embroidered world

From where meadow of mysteries

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Rises its voice upon the land

Patriot-bearers, learn to jubilate!

A time coming

Waving and rejuvenating

To revive the land

Among sharps of sorrow

And stings of ill-gotten days.

I’ve carved all to this effigy.

Where sane sun, too, is shooting bright.

I’ve carved it to him;
Who has sanctioned

prodigies in Paradise.

He, whose voice has echoed through time

I have chosen between two Lords;

Between Henry and right to foolery.

And as you know, man can not serve two masters

this is a stone of believe.

I have chosen him of a penstorm;

of the pillar of wit and the plateau of hope.

I have gone to where grain of grace

formed a pyramid, and piled up liturgy of literature.

Where abundance of acronyms have defined the earth.

A road in Europe

(to Henry Wole Akintola)

To one who sojourns
On a terrain
Whose head is raised
Above the earth matrixes
Like morning sunflower
Above stodgy flood
To plateau of New Jersey
Where every good road
Meet in Europe
And where spreading grass greener
In marble of shooting sun

Must is your colourful dreams
Sparking in city night
Where your noble will
Is strolling in marble mall

I’ve fallen asleep
And lost in its full scenery

And awakening by the clash of steels
And gently rubbed my palms
Like a too-serious praying- mantis
Demanding for acceptance
Of a life of flight.


(For Henry Akubuiro)