A long time ago, there was nothing like rain; there was no rainy season. Though there was river and underground water, what came from the sky was the sun. The animals were the most affected because the scorching and continuous heat of the sun was hard on them. The ants too were affected, but, unlike the animals, the ants always secretly entered the river to bathe and cool themselves. But if they were unlucky and were seen by any fish, the fish ate them up.

In the case of the animals, they were big and must first seek the fish’s permission before they would enter the river to bathe. Sometimes the fishes used a broken shell to fetch water for animals to drink, with the excuse that water would soon finish from the river and because the animals didn’t have any other option, they would accept any condition given to them by the fishes.

As for the plants, they did not have a problem with water, as they depended on and syphoned the underground water. Each time the animals, the fishes and the ants held meetings in the sky with the spirits of the sky. After every other deliberation of the animals would plead with the spirits of the sky to appeal to the fishes to allow them get water from the river, the spirits would do and the fishes would promise to do so.

One or two days after they returned from the sky, the fishes would allow the animals to freely jump into the river and bathe, but after those two days, they would return to their style of fetching water for them to bathe saying that water would soon finish from the river. But there was a time the sun became very hot and scorching. The river began to dry up and the fishes were worried.

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They complained to the spirits of the sky during a meeting where the animals and the ants were also present, as usual. The spirits of the sky fixed a day and told the fishes that, on that day, they were going to pour water from the sky into the river to refill it again and to make water to be at par with the edge of the river bank, as it was. They all returned from the sky and the animals planned to utilise the opportunity of the day the spirits of the sky would pour water from the sky to bathe in enough water.

On the day fixed by the spirits of the sky, the animals climbed the tree one after the other and went close to the sky. They stayed at the opening of the funnel through which water was being poured from the sky. The water poured on them and sprinkled everywhere; some dropped in the river, others in the forest and every other part of the earth.

The fishes were deep down the river because they did not want the wave from the water to be poured from the sky to affect them. They were not aware of the animals blocking the drops of the water. All they observed were water dropping into the river. They were not satisfied and waited for another meeting day to complain to the spirits of the sky. The spirits of the sky were surprised to hear that the water they poured did not fill the river to its brim.

Meanwhile, the animals did not say anything as the fishes complained. The spirits of the sky fixed another day during which they would pour water again. On the fixed day the animals repeated what they did and fishes kept complaining whenever they attended a meeting in the sky. So, as long as the animals kept blocking the water being poured into the rivers, sprinkles of water would continue to drop on all the faces of the earth as rain and no river can be filled to its brim. The period fixed by the spirits of the sky to pour water, supposedly, to the river is what is today regarded as the rainy season.