If you are ignorant of the new rules in any game, you end up losing and being disqualified because to win in any game, you are required to play by the rules. Please take this school serious and act on all you learn because we live in a constantly changing world where you have to stay current to be relevant and on top.

If you are not informed, you will be deformed

If you are not updated, you will be outdated

If you are not inspired, you will expire

If you are not in the know, you cannot be in the flow.

There are some things to note that characterise old school, expired education and you must identify and fight them to gain the redefined education that I call the seven-star education.

Any education that teaches you outdated, useless and irrelevant topics from outdated and old textbook is old school education because you graduate outdated – if they major on minors (things that are not relevant to your life) and minor on majors (things that are relevant to your life) that is old school education.

Any education that is geared towards making you job dependent, where all you are motivated with is to get good grades so you can get a good job is an outdated old school education. Many of our parents also joined in propagating this error by encouraging their children only with the need to go  to school, get good grades and then look for a good job.

Any education that emphasises having one stream of income and defines focus as doing only one thing all your life, working, running in the rat race and relying on pension is old school education and therefore obsolete.

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Any education that propagates the scarcity conspiracy and harass you with the “there is not enough to go around” song is an old school education and expired because there is more than enough to go round and recession and scarcity is a conspiracy. Did the money travel or did aliens come to carry them away?

Any education that promotes poverty as piety and riches as filth is of course an expired old school education because your definition of “filthy rich” or “stinkingly rich” may be positive or negative. No money no life and poverty is surely not a virtue in the new school education.

Any education that encourages you with retirement benefit and teaches you to work, save and retire on pension is an expired education and is old school education. You don’t have to retire at sixty-five to create wealth with new school education.

Any education that teaches you to rely on government, and look forward to government benefits, social welfare programmes and schemes is no doubt an old school education, and is obsolete because there is no security in social security anymore.      

Any education that teaches you to work hard to make money without teaching you the other options of working smart and making money work hard for you is incomplete and is old school education.

I have to stop here, but join me next week as for the final part of this series, and contact my office to order for your copy of the school of money book and the wealth creation pack which contain two books and twenty four audio programmes.

So, Join me next week for another class in the school of money.

Keep your dream alive.