Feyisara Onakoya

The Harmattan season is here. The weather feels cold, dry and dusty. The mornings will get colder and the air dryer. However, people have to protect themselves and wear appropriate clothing. Here are some style tips to make you look fabulous while protecting yourself from the harsh harmattan wind.

Long Sleeve Shirts 

Long sleeve shirts will never go out of fashion. Pair this with a skirt, pants or jeans, which will keep you warm and shielded from the chilly morning and dry weather.

Denim Shirts

These are highly fashionable and can be paired with anything such as skirts, corporate pants, and casual chinos. They are also cool on the skin and will not cause discomfort. Denim is thick and warm and is appropriate for the chilly mornings. Pair this with shirts and covered shoes.

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Blazers are appropriate for work and play. They are comfortable and protective against the chilly and dry weather. They are suitable when paired with a dress, denim and top, pants and shirt. They fit just about anything.


This accessory is necessary for the harmattan season because of its fluctuating nature. It is chilly in the morning and sometimes gets hot and dry in the afternoon. A scarf can be worn around the neck in the morning and then ditched when the weather gets hot later in the day.


Cardigans have vast designs and different ways to be worn. It could be corporate, casual or minimally casual, which gives a sense swag on its own.