Rats are always in search of warm, dry places and new food sources, particularly during periods of inclement weather. They have a very strong ammonia smell. They are often very noisy, making audible scrabbling noises as they move around the home.

Rats and mice infestation can make your life miserable. They often leave several droppings in the house. They even chew away on your boxes and clothes, or any edibles if left open. Furthermore, they also carry a risk of infectious diseases which you don’t want you or any member of your family to experience. So, it’s best to do something immediately to get rid of these pests.  There are many ways to get rid of rats from your home, but there are some home remedies too that you can try which are also simple and effective.

Below are 10 effective ways to get rid of rats naturally:

Garlic bulb

As rats dislike strong smell, you must make complete use of this attribute of rats to drive them away. Mixing chopped garlic with water and sprinkling it around your home or even spreading garlic cloves in the pathway of their regular trail can drive them away.

Bay leaves

The aroma of bay leaves attracts rats and they tend to think it as their food. However, when they try to feed upon it, they choke themselves, and eventually die. So, place some bay leaves around the corners of your house to kill rats.

Rat traps

An age-old method of getting rid of rats is placing rat traps in the house. Set up a trail for them keeping the baits and lead these pests right into the trap. Rat traps and mouse traps are quite effective ways to get absolutely get rid of rats.

Clear the clutter

In storage areas or areas with a lot of luggage/boxes huddled up together, mice and rats are bound to sneak in and multiply steadily. Therefore, clear the clutter. Keep your house neat, clean and tidy, leaving no room for any kind of infestation.

Peppermint oil

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Rats dislike the smell of peppermint oil. Humans find the smell of peppermint refreshing but rats don’t – so use peppermint oil to drive them away from your home. Place peppermint oil- dipped cotton balls in front of several small openings in your home to keep rats at bay.

Hot pepper flakes

Hot pepper flakes not only make humans sneeze but also keep rats and mice away. Sprinkle hot pepper along the doorways and other corners of your house to get rid of rats.

Plaster of paris and cocoa powder

Plaster of Paris and cocoa powder also work to kill rats and mice. Mix one tablespoon of cocoa powder with Plaster of Paris and sprinkle it around the standard trail for the rats and mice. As cocoa powder attracts these pests, they tend to eat this mixture and soon they feel dehydrated and they suffocate.

Potato powder

Using instant potato powder also works to drive rats and mice away. As you sprinkle this powder at home, rats and mice then go around, following the trail and feeding on this yummy treat. As the powder enters their body, those potato flakes then swell up within the intestine and kill them eventually.


Placing onions around small holes and openings, while assuring that these bulbs are replaced every second day, can keep rats away from your home. The pungent smell of onions will drive them away.


Wrap cloves in muslin clothes and place them near rat holes. The smell of cloves will be enough to get rid of rats from your home without too much effort.

It generally takes roughly three days to one week to get rid of rats with rat poison. Mechanical traps can sometimes take a few days to trap rats because the rodents might be wary of the traps. A pest control professional can remove rats in one day to a few days depending on the size of the infestation.