Some women just refuse to understand that the hidden parts of the anatomy stir more interest than when openly displayed, like what the culprits on trial this week did, and for which they were charged before this court


Ballot boxes

Hello aunty Cossy ! We thought you have given up on this trade until we saw this exhibit.  Bringing out your ballot boxes like this when you know that the 2019 election is still eight months away is contrary to section 456 of the 2010 Electroial Style Act (As amended).
Parading these in front of aspirants of every party is wrong and sends wrong signals. It is sad enough that your girls are dancing “shaku shaku.” It is even sadder when wives can’t go to sleep with their two eyes closed because of this exhibit. Pay 50million.





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Nipples rage

Hello Sisi, you don’t need this show to stand out, bringing out so much at a time is a no-no. Our investigations showed that before you were nabbed by the style police, you had caused pandemonium in public places with your nipple display and if not that you were taken away on time the crisis would have escalated. But thanks to our style police who helped by isolating the primary and secondary contact. Their swift action helped in containing this style crisis on time. Madam, you have been pronounced guilty and fined N28million.




Bra crime

 It is also our business when you have to show off your underwear indiscriminately. You will be held in our custody until our forensic expert comes out with result that proves otherwise, until then pay N5million.