Doris Obinna

Evidence shows that coronavirus (COVID-19) may spread more easily and cause life-threatening illness in some people. Like other coronaviruses, it can survive in the air and on surfaces long enough to infect someone. However, COVID-19 multiplies faster in the body even when you don’t have symptoms. 

Additionally, you can pass on the virus even if you never get symptoms at all. Some people have mild to moderate symptoms only, while others have severe COVID-19 symptoms. Here are tips to best protect yourself and others.


Wash your hands regularly: Wash your hands with soap and running water when hands are visibly dirty. If your hands are not visibly dirty, frequently clean them by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.


Wearing of rubber gloves: Wearing of rubber gloves is not an effective preventive measures. You can still pick up COVID-19 contamination on rubber gloves. If you then touch your face, the contamination goes from your glove to your face and can infect you.


Greeting on another: To prevent COVID-19, it is safest to avoid physical contact when greeting. Safe greeting include a wave, a nod or a bow.


Avoid shaking hands: Respiratory viruses can be passed by shaking hands and touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Greet people with a wave, a nod or a bow instead.

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Don’t share personal items: Do not share personal items like phones, makeup, or combs. It’s also important not to share eating utensils and straws. Teach children to recognize their reusable cup, straw, and other dishes for their own use only.


Cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze: COVID-19 is found in high amounts in the nose and mouth. This means it can be carried by air droplets to other people when you cough or sneeze. It can also land on hard surfaces and stay there for up to 3 days.

Use a tissue or sneeze into your elbow to keep your hands as clean as possible. Wash your hands carefully after you sneeze or cough, regardless.


Clean and disinfect surfaces: Use alcohol-based disinfectants to clean hard surfaces in your home like countertops, door handles, furniture, and toys. Also clean your phone, laptop, and anything else you use regularly several times a day.


Take social distancing seriously: If you are carrying COVID-19 virus, it will be found in high amounts in your spit (sputum). This can happen even if you do not have symptoms.

Social distancing means staying home and working remotely when possible. If you must go out for necessities, keep a distance of 6 feet from other people. You can transmit the virus by speaking to someone in close contact to you.