Chisom Ebih

Cashews nuts are extremely popular throughout the world. They have a buttery and mild salty sweet flavour, which makes it a food worth savouring. Scientifically known as Anacardium occidentale, cashews are actually not “nuts” but rather seeds, as they grow attached to fruit. Cashews nut can be beneficial in the following ways:

 Reduce risk of anemia: Cashews are a source of dietary iron, which is vital for carrying oxygen around the body and aids in the functioning of enzymes and the immune system. A deficiency of iron in the diet can lead to fatigue, anemia and increased susceptibility to infections.

Prevent gallstones: Gallstones are stone-like deposits that usually consist of cholesterol, which accumulates in the gallbladder. Risk factors include age, weight and any gastrointestinal issues.

Healthy muscles and nerves: Cashews are a good source of magnesium, which is vital for the healthy development of bones, muscles, tissues and the body’s organs.  Magnesium helps maintain blood pressure, boost immunity maintain nerve function, and keep the bones strong.

Reduce risk of diabetes: Cashews contain very low amounts of sugar, and no harmful cholesterol, making them safe for diabetic patients! They even help in lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

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Cancer chemopreventive agent: Research has shown that the wealth of antioxidants like anacardic acids, cardanols, and cardols, which cashews contain, make this nut effective for people undergoing treatments for tumor and cancer eradication.

Boost immune system: Cashews contain zinc, which plays a vital role in the strengthening of the immune system against microbial infections, and the healing of wounds. It is extremely important during pregnancy for the growth of the baby and the developmental years of childhood to maintain a healthy body.

Cashews are hearty healthy: Even though cashews can be considered high fat, they are not rich in the kind that is generally bad for you. Instead, they contains lots of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are the kind that is beneficial to the health of your heart, as they assist in cholesterol lowering and can keep blood vessels healthy and more.

Studies have consistently shown that Mediterranean style diets, high in beneficial monounsaturated fats, are superior for heart health and help prevent heart related illnesses.