Every man is weak in some

areas of his life but his womàn will show him where he is weak and how to improve himself.

But if you decide to stay weak by not working on yourself, you will become those types of men who blame their wives for their poor outcome in life.

Weak men lack everything it takes to be supportive and adoring partners to their women.

A weak man closes his heart to his woman, becomes lonely, and nags. He becomes depressed and confused and starts to think he made a mistake by marrying his woman. He thinhks the grass is greener on the other side.

But a strong man will rise to the problems and challenges in his relationship, face it headlong, and refuse to run away. He will slowly learn that when he is repulsed by his wife, he has inner work to do on himself.

Strong men boost their women’s confidence, and not keep them down. They are happy when their women is winning.

A weak man will always blame his woman for his actions. He feels he owns her. Weak men are sad, control freaks and withering souls. That sadness and the need to control translates into all kinds of behaviours, from petty jealousy to mind games, manipulations and physical violence.

Every time she stands up or calmly asserts  herself in an argument, he feels the need to subdue her. Weak men feel defeated by   the independence of their women.

If she’s attractive, easily noticed and commands attention, he looks for ways to dim her shine. He starts to decide on what she wears, the hairstyle she makes and how she  speaks.

A weak man leaves a beautiful woman who truly loves him to settle for a much younger girl, possibly from the village. All his efforts centre around control and can’t tolerate any form of opposition. His word should be final.

He is an insecure man who grand stands, he would rather die than apologize when he’s wrong. He’s Mr know it all. He wants a marriage with no relationship, like a slave-master relationship.

He’s usually not nice neither does he speak calmly to her. And he’s upset when he sees others doing those things he never does for her.

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A weak man is an entitled man. He wants to feel great without lifting a finger. He wants a great relationship without putting in the work.

Men, notice where you are weak. To truly feel good about yourself and your situation in life, it will require work. That which you work against will always work against you. Whining and complaining won’t get you anywhere. Hard work pays off.

You have to strengthen your relationship muscles, and your emotional literacy.

Don’t let the fear and humiliation you suffered in the past reduce your sense of worth that you take it out on your woman easily. Infact, everything in you should want her, so much so that sex is only a fraction of your total desire.

Nothing good comes without work and a certain amount of pain. Pain is not your enemy; it is your call to greatness. But you must be careful to interpret the pain correctly.

Most injuries in marriages come from ego. Every strong person has self-respect. Their strength reveals itself through character. Strength is kindness and sensitivity. Strength is understanding that your power is both physical and emotional. That it comes from the body, mind and the heart.

You should not entertain the idea of romance if you are weak. Romance is a strong and overwhelming passion, a weak mind cannot sustain it for long.

Life is capable of driving you out of your mind. You stress out constantly, lose sleep, and eat badly. You behave badly too. Your ego runs wild without considering your woman.

Relationships are not only about finding the right partner, but also being the right partner yourself.

Often times, many men go into relationships with a very wrong mindset. They go into relationships with a false sense of entitlement. They believe they don’t need to work on their relationships     like women do.   

You are set for failure when you walk into that marriage with a sense of superiority. Marrying someone is not doing them a favour. Always remember that the people in your life are as important to you as you are to them.

Look inwards and ask yourself what you are not doing right. Your marriage is suffering because of your attitude. Work on your attitude. Learn to compromise when necessary to enjoy a happy marriage.