Dear Dr,

After foreplay, I have a sore area inside the lips of my vagina, which is extremely uncomfortable. I also feel sore after sex. Please advise if I should put any cream to stop soreness. I have had a salt bath and am using Vaseline at moment. I am 37 years old. 

• Worried Waje, Benue State.

Dear Worried Waje,

The really smart way to assess challenges like this is to ask if it is linked in any way to sex. Once it is linked with sex, as in your case (you mention foreplay and sex), you must assume you are dealing with an STD until medical doctor tests prove you wrong. Thinking sex, you must look at the activity itself. Is the man gentle? Was it rough?  Was there enough lubrication? How large was he and how tight or small are you? Could any of these be the cause of your soreness? The best advice any one could give you is to see your doctor. Very likely, the doctor would like to be sure he is not dealing with Candidiasis or Vaginal Thrush

Beyond that, however, Is there any rash or any spots in the area of the irritation? If you have not looked, then you should do so – use a mirror if necessary. If you have got, or do develop spots or sores in this area, you should see your doctor in case it is something infectious. If you just have soreness and no other signs, it could be due to vaginal dryness. This can sometimes be associated with a lack of oestrogen, but at 39 you are too young to be having that sort of problem. Sometimes the vagina can become sore because it is irritated by, or allergic to particular things. Examples would be being allergic to dyes in clothes, biological washing powders, vaginal deodorants and douches, or bath additives, so it is worth thinking about these. This problem can be helped by additional lubrication, but I would not use Vaseline for this. A water-based lubricant such as KY jelly is best.

Also, the soreness could be helped by a hydrocortisone cream. One per cent hydrocortisone cream is available from a chemist over-the-counter, and you might like to try this, but don’t persist if it doesn’t work. You don’t mention any vaginal discharge, so thrush is unlikely, although the discomfort you get on contact with urine raises the possibility.

If you continue to have problems, again you should visit your doctor.


Pains and Sores in My Vulva

Dear Dr,

Recently I have noticed that I have had some of these pains and so I checked it out… I have what appears to look like canker sores in the vulva area… They have like a whitish discharge acting live a top layer (probably dead skin) and yeah. I’m kind of afraid that it is like a really bad bacteria and I will get really hurt or sick from it. I’m not sure how I got it, because I haven’t ever had sexual intercourse. I do itch it once in a while and the other day I was washing it and it began to sting a little… I was a bit worried but didn’t care much after. Then I noticed it and got really freaked out… I’m 14 and really scared to tell me mom. I know I should, but I don’t know how to address it to her and I don’t know how she will react…. I don’t like doctor touching my private area and I don’t exactly like how it looks either cos it’s not the prettiest….. I’m really embarrassed to be honest and really scared. Please help! Thank you!

• Lil Lola, Lagos.

Dear Lil Lola,

Related News

First of all, I must let everyone know that the word vulva simply means all the external genitals (what you see with your eyes when you look at a woman’s private parts) — vagina; urethra; clitoris; perineum; mons pubis etc; okay? And they simply don’t look pretty. That’s how God made it; okay? Secondly, there is nothing to be shamed or afraid. Thirdly, most probably you have some vaginal infection which many virgin girls could have. I would strongly recommend to speak with your mother but if you prefer to find solution yourself, better read detailed explanations of different types of vaginal discharge below. Of course, the doctor would be careful to make sure you do not have any of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases a dozen of which I list here — Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis; Bacterial Vaginosis; Chlamydia; Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID);Gonorrhea; Genital Warts -(Human Pappiloma Virus); Herpes Genitalis; Syphilis;Boils on Genitals; Sores on Genitals. By carefully interviewing you to obtain a history of your complaints; by a thorough physical examination and ancillary laboratory tests, he’ll be able to say what is the matter  with you and what are the  correct steps to take to sort you out. 


 Vaginal Discharge – Causes

Hello doctor,

How is work and your health? I was going through the Sun newspaper this morning and saw your email address, so I decided to contact you. I must commend you for your good effort in giving a solution to people’s problems. Doctor, i want to know; what are the causes of discharge? If Candidasis, then what are the drugs to be taken?


• Lucy Landeh; Port Harcourt

Dear Madam Lucy,

The best way to find out what is the cause of a woman’s discharge is to do a test called HVS– High Vaginal Swab– a test done by the doctor to discover the cause of a woman’s discharge or infection. Note these ten points about vaginal discharge and you will have rest of mind1. All adult women have a Normal Vaginal Discharge that is white like coconut or akamu; does not smell and does not itch. It is also, not plenty.2.This normal discharge can also be a little abnormal in one or two situations– normal discharge that has become too plentiful. The first is during ovulation– this is referred to as ovulation mucus.3.There is also what is referred to as Leucorrhea in pregnancy — the pregnant woman secretes and discharges normal vaginal secretion more than the non pregnant.This is not disease in as much as all of us agree that pregnancy is not a disease!!!4.Of course, after sex, when the penis has gained entry into the vagina, there is an artificial increase in the woman’s discharge –it is nothing but the excess seminal fluid flowing out of the vagina; okay? Nothing to worry about.5.Candidiasis, Moniliasis or Yeast infection are synonyms for the same condition that is recognised as the single most common cause of female genital discharge as well as itching among human females. It needs treatment. it is not normal. The discharge is whitish or creamy, itchy seriously and plentiful.

 6. Trichomoniasis is another cause of vaginal discharge. Trichomoniasis is itchy in the extreme. It affects the male partner also; who unless he is treated concomitantly (at the same time) will promptly pass it back to the female in an eternal ping-pong like game which the unexperienced doctor cannot stop. The disease can be transmitted via toilet seats or swimming pools. The discharge here is not white, is seriously smelly( at times like fish) and can have funny colours–eg green or yellow.7.Gardnerellosis or Bacterial Vaginosis is the name of a third affliction that can cause abnormal discharge from the vagina whose treatment is the same as Trichomoniasis and is named after a certain Dr Gardner who discovered it.8.Vaginal discharge can also be increased and abnormal — but not itchy in Chlamydia– a Sexually Transmitted Disease where treatment must also include both partners — and which can cause infertility.9. Gonorrhea causes a cervicitis — inflammation of the cervix — that gives a vaginal discharge, too and the only way to find out if it is gonorrhea is to do the test I mentioned above– called the HVS–High Vaginal Swab with m,c,s– microscopy, culture and sensitivity.10. The only other time a woman may have some bad discharge is when there is a foreign body inserted into her vagina–forgotten menstrual stuff or tampon usually or some other foreign body. This is why any complaint of Vaginal Discharge must be thoroughly investigated. There is no way a lady having discharge can be properly treated without examining her vaginally; no way. And, like I said, there must be an HVS taken to find out the exact type of germ causing the infection; so that appropriate measures to save the woman’s reproductive health and fertility can be taken.

 If you still have questions or queries or comments on this matter write to [email protected],[email protected].  Or visit   Also, call any of the help-lines and I shall be glad to sort you out.


Dr Caleb Bibbi Oluranti 08033466574; 08093142261; 08156697540; 08028240983