Disgraced former FIFA vice-president, Jack Warner is suing the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) over nearly TT$16 mil-lion (£1.9 million/$2.3 million/€2.1 million) in loans he claims he provided to the body while at its helm. 

Warner alleged the TTFA had acknowledged the loans but had not repaid them, as reported by the Trinidad and Tobago Guardian, with a lawsuit filed at Port-of-Spain High Court.

The newspaper reported that Warner’s court filings claimed to have provided loans over 15 years, with the money “al-leged-ly used to cov-er the as-so-ci-a-tion’s ex-pens-es, in-clud-ing the suc-cess-ful 2006 World Cup qual-i-fi-ca-tion cam-paign”.

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It is claimed that the TTFA acknowledged the debt in its financial statements between 2007 and 2012, while TTFA President, Raymond Tim Kee reportedly wrote to Warner to assure him the money would be paid back when the cash-strapped association’s financial position improved.

The Trinidad and Tobago Guardian reported that “the debt was even-tu-al-ly writ-ten off in the As-so-ci-a-tion’s 2015 fi-nan-cial state-ments, as it was claimed the debt was statute-barred and it had no oblig-a-tion to pay”. But Warner’s documents said: “These ac-counts were pub-lished af-ter the date of both let-ters from Pres-i-dent Ray-mond Tim Kee, who had on two sep-a-rate oc-ca-sions ac-knowl-edged the debt to the claimant..