Keeping hydrated is crucial for health and well-being, but many people do not consume enough fluids each day.

Around 60 percent of the body is made up of water, and around 71 percent of the planet’s surface is covered by water but drinking enough each day is not at the top of many people’s lists of priorities.

Below are some health benefits of drinking water:

Keeps the body fluids stable

Our body is made up of 60% water. So, water plays a vital role in keeping our body fit. These body fluids consisting of water helps in digestion, circulation, absorption, production of saliva, and transportation of nutrients throughout the body.

Also, water helps to maintain the body temperature at normal. Intake of water helps your body to keep functioning well. Our brain is up to 90% water while our tissues and muscles are up to 75% water.

So when our body lacks fluid, our brain stops working and we get migraines and headaches due to dehydration. So it’s better to keep a bottle of water around so that you can replenish the lost fluids.

When we sweat, we lose a lot of water content in the process, but this is not without any cause. Sweat helps to lower the body temperature so that the body does not overheat.

So when you are outside and sweating excessively, drink plenty of water to help keep dehydration away. Any type of drink would serve the purpose: tea, coffee, fruit juice, anything, but avoid alcohol as it further causes dehydration.

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Keeps muscles healthy

Muscles are made up of up to 75% water; so, it is necessary to provide them enough water. Having enough water will help keep their contraction normal and prevent muscular cramps. It will help you to exercise more, making you stronger and healthy.

 Keeps wrinkles at bay

Water keeps skin cells hydrated and working fine; so, drink water to keep wrinkles away. Water plumps the skin cells up making them look less wrinkled. Also, it flushes impurities and toxins out of the system, keeping your face fresh and clean, and thus aiding in reducing the breakouts and acne.

Stops water retention

When you drink less water, the brain takes it as a survival threat and starts to store more water in the body, creating swollen feet, hands and legs. Drink more water so that your body gets back to normal.

Keeps the digestive system normal

Water helps in the digestive process as it helps to keep the kidney working normally. If there is a lack of water in the body, it will result in constipation. So, those with constipation problems should drink lots of water to keep their digestive system fine.