Why were Europeans enslaving Africans? Because they needed labourers to work for them in a different part of the world new to Europe – the Americas. In the process of the conquest, they had annihilated many of the native peoples; those who survived the Europeans’ guns and diseases not unnaturally refused to work in the mines taken over by their conquerors or on the plantations they created. The Europeans tried two solutions: export prisoners, and export men who indentured themselves to pay off debts. But both groups either succumbed to diseases new to them, or ran away to freedom. So another solution was sought. Africans did not have guns either, so why not enslave and transport them?

Europeans could not send armies to conquer Africans or to kidnap them. They had to make their purchases from the local kings and chiefs. The traders found all conceivable means to foster warfare, as Africans were usually only willing to sell prisoners-of-war. The enticement of European goods – especially guns and ammunition – also eventually resulted in kidnapping gangs raiding neighbouring peoples. Those caught or taken prisoner had to be marched to the coast to await purchase. How many were killed during the raids, wars and marches is unknown. Could it be as many as were eventually transported? The number transported is estimated to be between 12 and 20 million.  (It must be noted here that the African sellers had no notion of the monstrous forms of slavery that was practised by Europeans in their colonies.)

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Africans, of course, both resisted kidnapping and fought back against those who wanted to capture them in wars. But, without, guns they had little hope. And the further you lived from the coast, the less likely was it that you had access to guns. The devastation wrought by the constant warfare and kidnappings, and the export for hundreds of years of millions of the most able-bodied and vigorous of the population, naturally had a long-lasting effect – still with us today.

No one needs to kidnap us anymore. We export ourselves and even smuggle ourselves to labour without bringing back anything significant.