Weight Loss

Parsley is a nutrient-dense herb, which is low in calories. A research study conducted on the effects of parsley on cadmium neurotoxicity suggests that it also helps boost metabolism.  A healthy metabolism paves way for a quicker and healthy weight loss. Moreover, parsley also removes excess water from the body and cleanses the kidneys and liver. This, in turn, keeps the body’s functioning at its optimal level and helps with weight loss.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Parsley has traditionally been used in the Mediterranean region for toothaches, bruises, insect bites, and rough skin. According to the American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology, parsley has anti-inflammatory and anti-hepatotoxicity properties that help reduce internal inflammation and also help cleanse the liver.


Few herbs are as cleansing as parsley, which is packed with vitamins and potent flavonoids. It can detoxify the body from heavy metals as well as other toxins. Adding its roots to boiling water and drinking it on a daily basis is also known to be an effective general cleanser for the body. Also, parsley cilantro juice is widely used as a detoxification drink.

 Controls diabetes

Parsley contains a flavonoid called myricetin, which can lower blood sugar levels and decrease insulin resistance. A research study conducted showed evidence that diabetic rats that were given parsley actually showed a decrease in their blood sugar levels over a period of a month. Traditionally, it was used as a medicine for diabetes in Turkey.

 Boosts digestion

Including parsley in your diet helps stimulate digestion because of its enzyme and fiber content. Enzymes help in better nutrient absorption and improve the digestion of proteins and fats in the body. The herb also helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and maintain overall health.

 Reduces symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Parsley has also been particularly effective against rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin C and beta-carotene found in the herb possess anti-inflammatory properties that help in controlling arthritis and reducing arthritic pain. Consuming parsley juice or tea regularly is also believed to speed up the process of uric acid removal, which has been linked to symptoms of arthritis.

 Anticancer properties

Apigenin, a flavone in parsley, prevents the progression of cancer and halts tumor growth. According to research published in Oncotarget, apigenin inhibited an enzyme, which caused the multiplication of cancer cells.  The herb was found especially helpful in preventing prostate, colorectal, and colon cancer. Both, fresh and dried parsley, have high levels of apigenin. Also, parsley oil extract contains a compound called myristicin, which is a phenylpropane.  A preliminary investigation into the effects of myristicin on laboratory rats revealed that it has anti-carcinogenic properties as it counteracts free radicals in the body.

Reduces risk of osteoporosis

Parsley, with its high levels of vitamin C, vitamin K, B-vitamins, and calcium can help boost bone health. It helps prevent osteoporosis and maintain optimal bone health even as we age. The B vitamins also help reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid in the body, which can weaken bones.

 Relieves flatulence

Parsley helps to relieve flatulence and colic, due to its carminative action. The root, the herb, as well as the essential oil, can boost bile production and gastric juices. This gives a much-needed boost to the digestion process and alleviates gas, constipation, bloating, indigestion, and nausea. The essential oil can also be applied to the stomach area for relief from cramps.

 Gives Relief from Acid Reflux (GERD)

Parsley has been used as a natural remedy for acid reflux since it settles the stomach and aids in digestion.

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Boosts immunity

The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in parsley are helpful for strengthening immunity. Vitamins such as vitamin C, A, K, folate, and niacin, each act on different aspects of the immune system. Vitamin A acts directly on lymphocytes or white blood cells, thereby increasing their effect. The chlorophyll contained in it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties as well. Studies have also shown that the herb contains antioxidant properties and antibacterial properties, making it an ideal source for various home remedies. [15]

Improves brain health

Apigenin, a potent flavone in parsley, improves neuron formation and enhances brain functions such as memory and learning. This plant compound is being researched for its ability to help against neurodegenerative diseases like schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. The herbal extract is known to increase cognitive performance as well as improve alertness and memory.

Parsley also appears to have a protective effect on brain function as it was found to protect mitochondria in the brain from oxidative damage. A research study in 2009 found that parsley leaf extract had a protective effect on the mitochondria function.

Antibacterial & antifungal properties

Parsley has enzymes that are antibacterial and antifungal in nature. It has an inhibitory effect against the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause boils, skin infections, cellulitis, and severe conditions like pneumonia and meningitis.

Pain relief

Parsley has high levels of vitamin K, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, which heals bruises and reduces pain. For a home-made remedy for bruises, you can crush the fresh leaves, spread it over the afflicted area, and secure the salve with a bandage. Also, lactating women use herbal leaves as a poultice to reduce breast tenderness.

The herb also helps reduce joint pain, fatigue, and has the ability to soften stiff muscles, because of the presence of a potent antioxidant, quercetin. It is especially good for people suffering from arthritis and joint problems. You can also use parsley juice to relieve toothaches and earaches.

Relieves symptoms of anemia

The high concentration of iron in parsley helps treat anemia, which is caused by iron deficiency. Vitamin C in the herb aids in better absorption of iron. People who have a hard time taking iron supplements are often told to have parsley juice or tea.

Helps eliminate bad breath

Chewing a few sprigs of parsley helps fight bad breath or halitosis. The herb’s fresh flavour and high chlorophyll content help freshen the breath temporarily. This is probably why it has been used, since ancient times, as a natural mouth freshener.

Heart health

Parsley is abundant in flavone antioxidants, which can reduce oxidative stress, thus boost cardiovascular health. This herb also contains high levels of vitamin B and folic acid that prevents the thickening of artery walls. Also, potassium in the herb lowers blood pressure, which helps prevent heart diseases and strokes.

Balances hormones

Parsley helps to improve the hormonal balance in women, enhances their libido, and boosts the secretion of the estrogen hormone. Intake of the herb helps balance hormonal disorders like premenstrual syndrome, menopause, or delayed menstruation cycle. Furthermore, parsley tea helps reduce menstrual cramps and discomfort.

–          Culled from https://www.organicfacts.net/